Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jury Duty

I apologize, but I just got jury duty.

Realizing what a farce the judicial system is in America I fully intend to use it as a means to advance a political agenda instead of justice.

HA HA HA!!!!

No, just kidding folks. I'm not a liberal Berkeley commie judge. I actually adhere to morals and integrity.

Regardless, postings will be a little short in the mean time as the juror vat as I like to call it, has no wifi access.


  1. I've often wondered who's done more to hurt America: 9th circuit judges who don't have a problem with same-sex couples getting married, or the author if the torture memo, John Yoo?

    Have fun on the state's dole.

  2. If you should get called and want to get out of it, I suggest doing what my Harely-riding uncle did a couple decades ago; when going through the pre-trial questioning, he made it clear that, as far as he was concerned, owning a sawed-off shotgun was perfectly legal under the Second Amendment.

    He was dismissed with thanks.

  3. Ed, if all they did was advocate gay marriage, I'd be all for them. Unfortuantely, they're overreaching their bounds in CA. Anybody or any company that invests in Cali might as well be investing in Venezuela.


    Though about it, but I think telling them I was a right wing, opinionated, indepdenting thinking talk show host will get me dismissed just as quick. Plus I hate all people who have blue eyes! You know all people with blue eyes are guilty!!!!

  4. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Offtopic, but this is fucking depressing. Over half the loan-seekers want relief from credit card debt or want to do home improvement.

  5. Anonymous4:37 AM

    that is one of the problems of our jury system and society. those that have minds and actually have lives (work, family, homes)do what ever they can to get out of serving. that leaves the "deadbeats" and "dregs" of society to pass justice.

    Remember OJ?

    Serve and make the real difference.

  6. I appreciate all the recommendations, but I'm just going to serve my jury duty and do what we have to do.

  7. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I've done it. It's an interesting process.

    On the civil case I was on, I was amazed that the moron plaintiff along with his even dumber moron father even found a bloviating lawyer to take the case.

    In short, he didn't have one. We listened to the testimony and after it was over, the judge said evidence wasn't adequate against the defendant and directed us to render that verdict.

    Of course, afterwards, we all agreed with the judge. Except we wanted to fine them for bringing such a ridiculous case in the first place.
