Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Captain is Off to Wyoming

Finally I'm off to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. Ever since I was a poor little capitalist, the Grand Tetons and Wyoming were the preserve of rich children whose parents obligatorily took them there. Now, at the ripe age of 33, I finally have the time and resources to visit both.

You can fully expect I shall climb many peaks, fish many streams and find many fossils.

Unfortunately you can also expect very little internet access so my posts may be sparse.

If there are any Captain Capitalismites out in the area, shoot me an e-mail and we shall get a drink together.


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Have a safe trip, Capt'n. I am expecting a full "Book Report" on Atlas Shrugged in my in-box when you return.

  2. Cripes, I gotta convert it to MP3. That being said, FedEx and myself are heading out there. You and the kids want a fossil or some quartz or something if I find it? Be happy to mail it to you guys!

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Cap'n - while you are out there, take time to visit the Petit Tetons.

    Enjoy... stay away from rattlesnakes.
