Monday, August 11, 2008

How Wine Proves Women are Communists!

I ordered some wine.

And the reason I ordered some wine is because I wanted some wine.

Now let us review that simple statement.

“And the reason I ordered some wine is because I wanted some wine.”


“I ordered some wine because I wanted somebody else to have my wine.”


“I ordered some wine because I wanted to SHARE my wine.”


“I ordered some wine so I could go and share it with the masses and we all sing kumbya while talking about how dreamy Obama is.”

I wanted some wine for me, because I wanted some freaking wine.

But sure as bears and popes, the girl slowly reaches across the table, going for my glass of wine.

Not even asking.

Not even requesting permission.

Just sloooooowly moving her hand across the table, making a bee line towards MY wine.

I waited patiently for her hand to make contact with it, but once it did I said,

“Whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa! Just what do you think you’re doing?”

Almost with a shocked look on her face she said, “I was just going to have a sip of your wine.”

Now let me explain something to ladies out there. You see, I ordered MY wine because I wanted some wine for ME. When men buy themselves something, they intended it for them. Not for you. Not to be shared. Not to make us have warm fuzzies in our stomachs as we all capitulate to Marxism and spread the wealth. It’s for us! Not you.

So I explained the concept of how I forfeited some of my finite life in exchange for the money to buy this wine for ME. That I gave up a part of my life in the form of labor to earn the money that bought me this wine and ergo, I was 100% entitled to all of it. Every single drop. I went so far as even to offer to buy her, her own glass of wine if she wanted one. But then she dropped the Ultra-Marxist bomb on me;

“But I want to taste yours.”

You see, this is why women deep down inside are communists. They don’t want to pay to taste some wine. They don’t want to even have their entire whole glass of wine. No, they want a “little sip” of YOUR wine.

So I asked said girl,

“Said Girl, why is it you want a sip of MY wine when I am more than willing to buy you your own glass of wine?”

And the Leninist across the table from me responded,

“Because I just want a sip. Besides it tastes better when it’s somebody else’s.”

This confirmed something I knew all along. Communists derive an additional utility from the same volume of consumption if what they’re consuming is somebody else’s. It’s a sick and twisted masochistic aspect of the weaker political ideology.

I was always intuitively aware of this as the same thing happened with fries. Lord knows you couldn’t just sit there on a date in high school, about to engorged yourself with those heavenly McDonald’s fries, and then, sure as bears and popes some your 16 year old steady is burrowing into YOUR fries like a badger in a hole. But now I had proof, a confession, self-admitted guilt she was gunning for my wine because it was MY wine.

And don’t think for a second this is just relegated to fries or wine. Oh no no no no! Ice cream. My god, has any man in the history of America been able to enjoy 100% of his own, labor-bought-and-paid-for ice cream? Can’t get one bite before “she” wants to “try” some of “your” ice cream.

Any pie left in the fridge? Go ahead and try to have a full piece of pie. Oh no, you can’t. Not in a million years. Even though there is a whole 3/4ths of a pie in the fridge and she could very well have her own entire piece of pie to herself, no, she wants “just a little bite” of yours.

And don’t think it’s just relegated to food. Ha! If you had a favorite shirt she likes, yeah, well pal, you HAD a favorite shirt. Now it’s a communal shirt. That nice little sporty convertible you have out there. If it’s 85 and sunny, she’s going to want a little taste of that. Nothing is safe from their Marxist reach.

Of course, try to then share something that was intended to be shared and she wants none of it. Video games are the perfect example. Designed to bring the masses together, designed to make us all players, designed to increase camaraderie and bonding and bring us all closer together, arguably the key to world peace, but oh no, she wants none of that. No, it has to be something that she covets. Your ice cream. Your wine. Your martini. Your convertible. Your favorite old ratty sweatshirt from college.

Oh, and you may be laughing now, but they’re out there men. And it all starts with just a “little sip” of your much-coveted wine.


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Technically, women ARE natural communists, I think. Go to any school yard and what do you see? You see the boys doing all of the things that make it obvious why humanity is usually ruled by dictatorships, but also why capitalism works: punching and wrestling each other, playing sports, seeking to become leader, etc... i.e. competition. With no knowledge of capitalism, such competition results in tribes with leaders forming, or gangs, or dictatorships; but in a more advanced society, if they are smart, capitalism, which thrives from competition, also forms.

    Socialism, or communism, however, is how girls in the school yard operate. They form into groups which have no central leader and just play games with each other. There is also the "mother" aspect. men are individualistic and competitive, and disdain any form of parenting on them from some authority later in life, but women have this tendency to be maternal and end up viewing government as a maternal thing as well, which of course leads to tyranny. Nancy Pelosi is a perfect example of this, I think, saying, "I view my role as a politician as an extension of my role as a mother."

  2. I get your point, but all I can think of is "JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!"

  3. great post man... i am going to link your post on my blog.

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    this isn't related to anything you wrote, but I thought you might find in interesting.
    Except, or course, bailouts are not pure capitalism.

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    There is, in some way I will not even pretend to fully comprehend, an emotional aspect to this desired sharing.

    If you have a glass of wine, and she has a glass of wine, then each of you had a glass.

    BUT, if you have a glass, except she got a sip, then the entire thing becomes an emotional experience of sharing because you both partook of the same glass of wine. You gave her a part of something that was yours, thereby demonstrating that you care.

    Which is not to say that there aren't women who take the mommy complex a bit far, or assume unwarranted privileges, but the place it stems from is more benign. Then again, the same can be said of a lot of human proclivities gone wrong...

  6. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Great post... I love it...

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I dunno-

    The reason is does not bother me is that I don't think women who do that are viewing it in economic terms as such. If they were, then having you offer to buy them a glass would represent an even greater triumph of wealth redistribution, rather than a mere sip.

    I think it is the natural tendency of women to seek experiences that establish a connection with others.

    A girl wanting a sip of your wine is a compliment, in a way.

  8. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Dude, you read into things too deeply. Are you sure she wasn't just trying to get into your capitalist pants via the wine????

    It was a fun read, none the less.

  9. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I think it's a mix of wanting a shared experience and testing that they can get your stuff if they want it, which is a priority from a reproductive standpoint.

    Either way, it's tempting to go off on an angry rant if I think about it too much.

  10. So let's see. You want a woman who:

    - doesn't want children
    - doesn't take too long to get out of the car
    - doesn't mind that you play video games
    - doesn't try to sip your wine or mooch your fries

    Which criteria have I missed?

    I'd suggest you get a dog, but that last one would definitely sink that option... ;-)

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Ryan was right on target.

    And judging by your post, you didn't get any that night, did you Cap?

  12. It is a satirical piece.

  13. Actually Larry, I did. I think it's the irony that women like it when you do nice things for them and then you're a nice guy and a nice friend.

    when you hold your ground and say, "hey hey hey, wait a minute. Just what do you think you're doing with my fries young Miss?" That shows her you're willing to stand your ground and protect babies from wild packs of wolves and would make a good father.

    I just want a whole glass of wine.

  14. Kasia,

    ho ho ho you are sooo funny! ;P

    Yes, lot's you missed;

    1. Must have a job
    2. Must not be married
    3. Must wear a French Maid outfit once per month to appease the French Maid Gods (you don't want to get on the bad side of them)
    4. Must accept the fact I will smoke the occassional cigar.
    5. Must not be a socialist/liberal

    I know I've statistically whittled it down to .05% of one girl, but those are the standards

  15. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Since we're on the subject of using statistics to whittle down the dating pool, I present for your reading enjoyment, "Why I will never have a girlfriend"

  16. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Do you really not want children? If so, why not? Most non-lefty women want children.

  17. Almost exactly the same thing can said of woman and pizza. Even if you've just dragged a slice home after a long, meal-break-free day and she's just come home from a gourmet food dinner. Your pizza is her pizza.

    This is based on a true story.

  18. Anonymous3:21 PM

    If she's willing to take a sip out of a glass with your filthy slobber on it, take the hint, bro'. You're just scarin' 'em off with all this weird stuff, you know.

  19. I suspect the chrome will remain firmly on your bumper in light of your apparent inability to recognize positive externalities...I'm just sayin

  20. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Ah the satire, love it.

    But but didn't yous read that it's a whole 'bonding' thingy?
    You know... share some tiny bites, sips, then ... then you know the rest of the story!

    Lust, love, kids, divorce, then them damn cats!

    Wait until I tell hubby I'm a communist for wearing his bug proof shirt while mowing a few acres for us!
    (see if I mow while he's working then we spend his time off together not me watching him ride a friggin mower all weekend)
    Did let him know my socialist workers assigned flip flops are wearing out though...
