Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Psychology of Obama Supporters

This goes a long way and does a GREAT job in explaining how;

1. Obama stands a better than average chance becoming president and

2. How the democrats stay in power

It is also summed up in one word starting with an "I."

Regardless, it is worth watching. Just grab a beer and sit and enjoy it.


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    "Intentions" right!?

  2. Close, but that was an excellent try.

  3. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Ignorance is bliss, right? That doesn't explain why leftists are perpetually unhappy with free markets, seeing as they don't understand them . . . .

    Keep up the great work, Cap'n!

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM


    On a slight tangent, I keep hearing ads on a local radio station from an online computer sales company saying "You deserve a laptop computer." "It's not fair that someone else does and you don't because your credit is bad." "You deserve a laptop." It disgusts me. Nobody deserves anything. They have to earn it. I guess they're target audience is the typical Obama voter.

  5. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I remember in high school a pair of friends tried that one on me but I saw the joke and wasn't tricked. Other classmates were not as astute. Just shows where you can find a critical mass of people who don't think. Scary thing is that people who don't think is just a subset of people who don't think critically. Bet many of them were in or graduated from collage. Demonstrating the ability to think critically should be a requirement for high school. Actively thinking critically and demonstrating the ability to think scientifically should be a requirement for collage. Unfortunately it is the opposite, the self appointed elites want mindless hordes to buy into whatever they say so they can bypass the democratic system and have more power for themselves. Remember the mantra of the left is "don't think, VOTE!"

  6. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Most people don't vote for something, they vote against. Chances are Obama will win, since McCain can't get the Republican stigma away.
