Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Captain is Looking for a Cartoonist

Fellow junior, deputy, aspiring, official or otherwise economists.

I have decided with my readership going up many thanks to Small Dead Animals, Instapundit and what have you, that it's about high time I get a cartoonist for your reading pleasure.

The job pays nothing and I can only promise about 2,000-4,000 hits a day, but if there are any aspiring cartoonists out there looking for a web site to get some exposure, I'd ask that you kindly consider Captain Capitalism.

Please e-mail me your cartoons if you are interested and send the link to anybody you think might have an interest.


The Captain


  1. I thought your Obamomucks cartoons were great! You could do it yourself.

    Ah, but there's that damned comparative advantage problem again!

    Enjoy your dancing.

    Slow, quick quick, slow, quick quick...

  2. You're looking for free labour? Some capitalist you are. Patooey!

  3. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I concur with the Major here - stick with the crayons :)

  4. Anonymous11:41 PM

    I'm kind of a sucky cartoonist, but I did have one thought that might be helpful - would you like to have someone redesign your blog maybe? Cause I'd be happy to volunteer for that job and try to come up with something you might find appealing. :)
