Thursday, October 02, 2008

End Norm Coleman's Career

Found out my senator (Norm Coleman) voted for the bail out. I sent him a, ahem, "stern" letter. Something about enjoying the private sector when he's voted out of office and the liberal use of the f word.

In the meantime I suggest you do the same for your senators and when it comes time for these schumcks' re-election vote for anybody but them (I'm voting independent in the senatorial race since I can't vote for Al "Stewart Smalley" Franken).

But we should point out the true statesmen and heroes of the hour who do deserve to be re-elected.

Got a couple posts thinking I'm voting from Stewart Smalley. I'm voting Dean Barkley.

I suggest all the other republicans out there do the same.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Dude, Franken over Coleman? That's harsh, really harsh.

    Lean on your congressman NOW! They may yet save us (again).

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I totally agree... However if we did that now, we would get Al Franken...
    That I just can't stomach..
    I will vote for Socialism before outright Marxism.
    The choice sucks to say the least..

  3. Dean Barkley.

  4. Refresh my memory, Captain; how is the United States, not known for its production of sugar cane, going to replace its dependence on the boogeyman of foreign oil imports with sugar cane ethanol?

    And solar, wind, geothermal and biofuels? Speaking of the War on Drugs being a "colossal failure"...where's Dean-o getting HIS Mexican Red? Incidentally, I don't see any references to nuclear in there, which is odd, because it IS, after all, the ultimate in green fuels. Guess Dean-o didn't want to alienate the Greenie Weenies that Jesse brings to the party.

    Also, Captain, I'm curious; do you agree with his stance on the War in Iraq?

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Dean Barkley sounds like just another liberal. (His association with 9-11 conspiracy believing, crack-pot Ventura doesn't help much either any more.)

    A better choice would be Constitution Party candidate James Niemackl ( or Libertarian Charles Aldrich (
