Monday, March 23, 2009



I finally found a unique and identifying term for these "millennials."

"The Obama Generation."


  1. Holy Sh!+

    I grew up when this crap was just beginning to start.

    My parents said to me "You should not have to work as hard as we did." Unfortunately, too many of my peers only listened as far as the word 'work'.

    And, you are 100% right, they are the Obama generation, and the US is going to suffer as a result.

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    There is a nasty script error when leaving your site. You have to answer about 50 script run questions.Please clean it up if you can so I can come back.

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Eww... Obama Generation. That is disgusting. Way to label everyONE that... I am going to get my mom to call you and complain.

  4. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I agree with CBMTTEk, I also got through school before this really got a foothold. Thank God!!!!

    Thanks for posting the article.

  5. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I'm just glad that my parents, although they are boomers, don't act like the idiots in that article. Instead, they give advice like "Make sure you're good enough at your job that if your company decides to start firing people, you're last on the list."

    Apparently that kind of advice is falling out of fashion in favor of shrieking phone calls and claims of the HR having a grudge against a precious child.

  6. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I also squeaked through school before this became common.. but just. I work with people my own age though who act exactly like these children. I do blame the parents though since I'm sure that is where they picked up their attitude.

    Me: I am unhappy at my job, I am going to look elsewhere and see what is out there.

    Spoiled: I am unhappy too, and we shouldn't have to look elsewhere, it's not fair. I wish there was a union for our field, that way the company would have to change to keep us.

    Me: Well if they start losing too many employees they will change if they want to keep them, simple really.

    Spoiled: People shouldn't have to do that though. Incidentally do you like my Che T-Shirt?

  7. Which is why I'm LOVING the recession..

    Crappy service at the restaurant? Suddenly that drop to a 10 or 5% tip looks a little more serious doesn't it?

    Job applicants telling the employer what THEY demand.. uh.. buh bye..

    I hope the recession holds on for another two or three years.. higher unemployment rates are a great motivator for the lazy and shiftless.
