Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Link Fest Extravaganza!

OK folks, time for another round of link fest. Again, I DO genuinely and sincerely appreciate everybody that links to me and in return I make an attempt to link back to them. So if you like Cappy Cap, then you should at least pay these hombres (and hombrettes) a visit;

Excellent and sometimes dark/cynical cartoons. I wouldn't say "cynical" because in today's America where everything is peachyhappykeendaddybuysmeanAudiletsgotoapplebeesandmajorincommunications, no doubt society has strayed from reality. And reality is much more harsh and ergo what is "cynical" in America passes for SOP in most other countries;

Then there is Save Capitalism. I disagree with the premise that "capitalism" needs saving. It's like saying "save gravity." Capitalism, as you will find out, IS A NATURAL LAW. It is more powerful than gravity. It is more powerful than light. It is the strongest most basic operating law of human nature. And (PLEASE PAY ATTENTION, BECAUSE THIS IS GOLD I'M GIVING YOU HERE) the simple secret to success for societies and nations is that the more you abide by this natural law the better you will do. The more you try to institute an economic system that is not capitalist, the worse you will do. Look at North Korea vs. Bermuda or the Cayman Islands. Wow, "crazy." Who ever thought letting people be free and keeping the majority of the fruits of their labor would result in the masses going out, day in day out, kicking ass to produce GDP because it would be to their own benefit. Of course, Obama doesn't realize this, but that's because he's a moron when it comes to basic economics (and oh yes, all of you who voted for him are going to realize how crushing this natural law of capitalism is) In the meantime enjoy his bailouts, flowers, puppies and ponies. I'm sure it will turn around the economy.

I appreciate capitalists who come to America and wish to produce and carry their own weight. Ergo, visit David, a Ukranian immigrant who (sadly) I think is going to be let down by the road America is going down. He may actually decide to head back to the Ukraine and I frankly wouldn't blame him. Regardless, if any of you are employers, hire this guy. What more do you want than somebody willing to contribute to GDP and hates socialists (simply because unlike most of the socialists here, he's actually lived through socialism).

I don't speak Spanish, some of you might. But capitalists abound no matter where you go. Support them.

There's also Joie.

Look, you all know me. I hate kids. I hate sappy sh!t. But all that being said, the yin that must counter the yang is Joie. She's a nice mother and has children and though not socially the same, we're on the same team. Visit her because she visits me.

There's also the Gay Patriot. It's not because I loathe religion. It's not because I try to score points to seem more "moderate" and gain favor amongst those across the isle. It's because of principle I support gay marriage. Who in god's name is anybody else to tell two people what to do? You want to smoke cigars? You want to be able to kiss blonds, brunettes or redheads? You want to do whatever YOU please as an individual and NOT have your preferences dictated to you by the state? Well, stay the hell out of other people's business as long as they're not hurting you and expect people to expect the same from you. The gay issue is in my opinion one of the least political issues in that it really has nothing to do with the government, nor should it. End of discussion, topic over, no it has nothing to do with you.

And then there's working class conservative. You see, we all don't drink cognac and oppress minorities and women daily (perhaps weekly, but not daily). Matter of fact, if you're a minority, you'll find you have more in common with a blue collar conservative than Barack Obama because aside from skin color, you really have nothing in common. Did you have everything paid for since you were born? No? Oh, wow, 1 for the working class conservative and 0 for Obama. Did you have to work in high school to build the funds for college? Yes? Oh, 2 for working class conservative and still 0 for Obama. Did you have mommy pay your way through Harvard? No? Oh, well, 3 for working class conservative and 0 for Obama. You can keep going and you'll find the score to be about 483 to 0. Do yourself a favor and visit people who actually care about you and not your skin color.

Finally, because he sent it and reminded me (my book marks are not that greatly organized) the British Columbian Iconoclast.

Visit him, now, do it, NOW!

That there be all dem der links. Visit them and do it now!


  1. Hi there from North of the Border.

    I am so sorry to see that things are so screwed up in the US, we can not afford to have you suffer. I am stunned that Obama is suggesting the insane scale of spending - where is the money going to come from? Who is going to lend it you?

    I dropped a link to you on my blog

  2. Anonymous12:34 AM

    It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreYou Bali

  3. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Read this warped, left wing view of society. It will blow your mind

  4. Awww, thanks Cappy for the props!
    I love your blog and enjoy it when I get a chance. If you are ever in the Detroit, MI area...let me know and I will send you to some of the hot spots for some great dancing!

  5. Just wanted to say I enjoy reading your blog. I stumbled upon it searching for the personal debt/GDP ratio...seems everyone should have seen this coming from a mile away.

    In any case, I'm socially very liberal and fiscally moderate/conservative (I come from that working class background) and find it hard to reconcile my beliefs with the idiocy that is the two-party system.
