Monday, March 02, 2009

The Republicans Should Take 2 Years Off

The "official" republicans, the ones who do nothing for a living but run political careers and never worked a day in their lives, should take 2 full years off. They should leave the legislatures, both state and national and leave the country in democrat hands so as to provide a clear and distinct difference between them and the socialists. Then they could claim "Hey, we were sitting on a beach and had nothing to do with it. We weren't even there to vote."

Of course they won't.

They are career politicians. Just as worthless and parasitic as their democratic counterparts and no more honorable. And thus why they won't listen to logic, sanity or any kind of reason. They will still try to make themselves seem like "team players" so as to get elected next round.

But the beauty of reality is that whoever ties their lines to the democratic/Obama party will sink with them. And those that don't might actually stand a shot at some semblance of not only a future in politics, but (GASP) some kind of morality.

It doesn't matter to me. I've already made my decision. I will just watch the two parties flounder about one another.


  1. Anonymous3:24 AM


    You're absolutely right! Give them a rest. They've been busy little beavers for the last eight years.

    In that time it's hard to imagine how any single party could do more damage or dig a bigger hole or blow a nation's credibility more than the GOP.

    They would do well to take two years off, disband, reconstitute and come back under another name like Whigs, Federalists or Ding Dongs.

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    OK, let's give the socialists total control so they can screw up and give us the next election. Because that strategy worked so well in Venezuela and in Weimar Germany. By the next election (assuming there is one), the majority of American voters will be destitute, and grateful that their Dear Leader provides two small meals a day and a free bus ride to the voting booth.

  3. In that time it's hard to imagine how any single party could do more damage or dig a bigger hole or blow a nation's credibility more than the GOP.

    I'm pretty sure we won't have to imagine once Obama is done with us.

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    '[Republicans] should leave the legislatures, both state and national and leave the country in democrat hands so as to provide a clear and distinct difference between them and the socialists. Then they could claim "Hey, we were sitting on a beach and had nothing to do with it. We weren't even there to vote." '

    Brilliant idea, and I totally agree. I also agree that they won't actually do this, but it would be nice since most of the current Democrat policies are horrid.
