Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Because the Child Goes Well With the Drapes

I do not like children.

I have stated this before and I will continue to do so long into the future.

However, I do have an immeasurable amount of pity for children in that I remember what it was like being a child. Children are humans too.

They have the same feelings.

They have the same emotions.

But worse, they do not have the experience us adults do to explain the chaos that surrounds them. Especially if two adult children decide to bring one of these unfortunate souls into the world in a thoughtless act of passion and then use the poor kid as a chess piece when it comes to divorce time.

Ergo, children are truly innocent and why (paradoxically) I do not want any of my own, yet feel there is no other group or category of people that I have more pity and sympathy for than children.

But what I will not tolerate, because I DO GENUINELY care about children, is the god damned effing fad of having children for the sake of having children.

Let me explain.

Women want to have children.

Accepted, understood.

But when women (or sometimes men) have children because "THEY WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN" I can get no further enraged because it has immediately not become about the child, but the CHILD that wants to have a child.

"I want a child because I want a child."

Now let me explain something to all of you people who want "children."

"Children" are not effing items that go well with the drapes.

Children are not physical toys you purchase at Ikea to go well with the house.

Children are not a god damned SUV you can turn off or ship off to the mechanic to fine tune.


They suffer the same pains as you did.

They suffer the same emotions as you did.

And if you DARE bring a child into this world because it "CONVENIENCES" you, but are so selfish as to not provide a husband or father figure to this innocent soul, then you are the epitome of selfishness and why society is collapsing.

I know men are not fashionable.

I know they're not "cool."


And if your child, male or female, wishes to have any kind of sensible grounding or reference point as to how to interact with the opposite sex, let alone, the rest of society, they will need (a grandiose politically correct) "regrettably" father figure in the household.

I know, "DAMN FATHER FIGURES!" What do they know, those stupid males? They get in the way of me having children!

Well maybe, just maybe in 20 million years of evolution, they're there for a god damned purpose?

Look, I am all for gay marriage.

I am all for same sex couples.

Because I do know that even though they may be of the same sex, they will at least, provide the child with two parents.

But the greediness, conceitedness, and above all, selfishness of having a child because:

"I want a child"

as if he/she is like ordering freaking cable with the absence of a father

I will not stand for.

Enjoy sending your kid off to day care.

Enjoy OUTSOURCING the upbringing of your kid because s/he inconveniences you.

And when you're old

And crippled

And in a sub-par nursing home

And not getting any visits from your child

Then you'll know what it's like to be treated like a freaking consumer item and not a fellow human being.

Update. If any of you young men in your late teens and early 20's wonder why you are having problems dating girls, here's your answer.

Also a reason never to hire somebody from Yale.


  1. Anonymous3:43 PM


  2. OK, I got about three lines into the linked blog entry before I had to go and vomit violently.

    There is really only one acceptable reason to have children, and that is because you want to share your life with this human being that you created. You want to raise them, and you want to nurture them, and you want to build them into a functioning member of society.

    NOT because you would feel like a failure if you never had a child.

    That woman deserves to spend the rest of her life changing a never ending stream of crap filled diapers for that single statement. "I would be a failure if I did not have a child"!!!!

    Too late, she already is.

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    She isn't responsible enough to take a pill once per day, but she thinks she should have children. Intelligence is not necessarily selected for in evolution, in fact, once you meet a certain threshold, I'd argue it is selected against.

  4. AeroGuy1:49 AM

    It's stuff like this that reinforces my decision to be celibate and avoid dating all together, and I'm an atheist for crying out loud.

  5. @ 5:16 anon -

    The most unfortunate fact about today's world is that everyone now lives to the age of procreation, hence evolution has basically stopped. Hell we're probably regressing, which would very well explain the post that was linked to.

  6. MTGirl9:33 AM


    The author of the post, Miss Bad Feminist, is obviously not the sharpest tack in the drawer. Hell, anyone who is still single at 26 and decides she should start investigating ... turkey basters of all things, is probably not even the sharpest pebble in the stream bed.

    But, she IS thinking about the idea, and in doing so asks her closest, most trusted source for info on children, her Mother. And WHAT does that SELFISH .... B .... Woman (I'm trying to swear less) tell her? Oh honey, you just go right ahead and get knocked up whenever you feel like it. It'll be fine!

    Does she say "Honey, kids are a major pain in the butt, and you really should consider having a husband around to help you, at least financially?" Nooo. Does she say, "Honey, your only 26, your a little young to be worried about children. You have plenty of time to find a partner first." NOOOO! The .... female just sends her off blindly into the breach.

    Capt, you have talked at length here and in your book about bankers who have gone ahead and signed up people for loans they could never pay off, because, hey, that just means the bank will have a nice house they can sell for a profit. (Never mind that their client now has a credit score of 32 and may or may not be suicidal over the whole deal.)

    That mother/hopeful-grandmother is doing the same thing, only she is doing it to HER OWN KID, so that she doesn't feel left out when her buddies have wallets full of photos and she doesn't.

    This potential grandmother knows how tough kids are, but she is sending her daughter off like a lamb.

    I have seen so many mothers (and some fathers) who "Want to be a grandparent" and have actively encouraged both their sons and daughters to enter either a disasterous marriage, or even to just get knocked up so they can achieve their goal of "Being a Grandmother."

    To me, this is 100-times as selfish, irresponsible and plain evil as the women who are having kids just to have kids. And this is not even mentioning the grandmothers who bleed their kids dry by charging them exorbitant fees to watch the kids while the broke as hell parents work all day.

    I can't wait until the baby-boomers are gone (except for my parents, who I love and have never pressured me to reproduce) and quit destroying our civilization. Want to bet that when the daughter follows through with her idiot plan, old grandmother will be there to babysit on occassion. For a nominal fee of course.

  7. Wow. Those feminist dumbshits really exist? They actually try and rationalize their empty-headed views?

    Here I thought they only be strawmen (or strawwomen)

  8. I couldn't agree more -amen!

  9. Ryan Fuller2:53 PM

    "Here I thought they only be strawmen (or strawwomen)"

    They're stawpersons. Putting "strawwomen" in parenthesis like an afterthought just goes to show what a chauvinist pig you are, you and your sexist patriarchal society too!


    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  10. MTGirl3:44 PM

    Oh, and also, who on earth under the age of 50 calls themselves a feminist these days?

    That'd be like me calling myself a suffragest because I vote.

    C'mon, how many Abolitionists we got out there!?! Show me some hands people!

  11. I'm a Whigihan or whatever members of the Whig party called themselves.


  12. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Okay, MTGirl, that was perfect. Painfully brilliant.

    If you ever decide to marry a total stranger, I'll throw my hat in the ring now.

  13. MTGirl8:35 AM

    Awww, thanks Anonymous, but I couldn't do that to you, you poor bugger.

    Tough on a guy when they wake up, roll over, and start looking for their beer goggles right off the bat!

    Unless you think guns are sexy, and then it might work....

  14. How about she wants to have a child because she wants to be a mother? It's not because "Like, OMG a baby would be a totally perfect accessory!" Believe it or not, it could be because she wants to, and is completely capable of, care for and nurture another human being. The fact that she has a mother who is supportive is something we should all wish for.

    Men like YOU are why women like her (and me) wonder if we'll ever find someone who we're willing to raise children with. Don't get me wrong - I don't want to have kids, personally, because I think they're assholes, but that's me. How about you stick to talking shit about people you know, instead of bloggers who you've never met and, it appears, have had ZERO interaction with?

    And "reasons I am awesome"? I LOVED that post. It's called having self-esteem and expressing it in a tongue in cheek manner. I truly think you're a sad, sad person that you have to make fun of someone else to make a point.

  15. El Capitan must have been in a hurry...fact check next time. http://whatagrandworld.blogspot.com/2009/07/i-didnt-go-to-yale.html
