Sunday, June 21, 2009

Please Explain to Me Why We Hate the Jews

There are many questions I wish I had the answers to, but before I die, I just want the answer to one thing;


Egypt enslaves them.

Hitler kills them.

Neo-nazi idiots despise them.

Leftists blame them for everything today.


And I'm serious about this.

As far as I'm concerned the Jews have done nothing. I've never ran into a Jew that was even anything as impolite. They don't throw it in my face that they're a Jew. They've never betrayed me or done anything at all but be civil and kind people. But hooooy boy, does the world like them to be their whipping boys.

Now maybe I've missed something (though I doubt it), but it behooves the question why is there such disdain and hatred for the Jews over such a long record of history?

I will ONLY ENTERTAIN SERIOUS THEORIES, so any anti-Semitic Aryian nation nutjobs or crazy whacked out Islamic terrorists, just shut the hell up. It is a question that though not at the fore front of my mind, has been gnawing at me for a while.


  1. Well, here's some theories.
    -Through the Middle Ages and Renaissance, European Jews mostly kept to their own ethnic communities, and lived in their own part of towns. This cultural "distance" probably bred distrust.
    -Banking was long considered an improper profession for Christians, so only Jews entered it, and consequently became wealthy. That probably led to jealousy.
    -Once the hatred of Jews developed, it probably just sustained itself for the rest of history.

  2. Anonymous10:53 PM

    The Quran says that Jews are evil, lying scum, so that's why Muslims (most of whom haven't actually met a Jew) hate them. Muhammad himself personally executed hundreds of Jews (his armies executed thousands more), and it says numerous times in the Quran that Muhammad is an excellent model of conduct. As Christians try to emulate Christ, Muslims try to emulate Muhammad.

    Hitler was a notable admirer of Islam, and it's likely his association with the Grand Mufti played a part in his anti-Semitism.

    Some early Christians blamed the Jews for Christ's death.

  3. bookstopper11:06 PM

    Until the Renaissance/Reformation era in Europe, Christians were banned from charging interest. There WERE banks at the time, but they operated on a service charge basis and were usually only operated by and for the very wealthy. The legalization of charging modest amounts of interest made banking accessible to the middle class, which was growing from the 1300's onward.

    My own theory is that there are 2 beginnings of the hatred of Jews:

    1) There is

    2) Muslims started hating jews because of the first Arab/Israeli war in 1949 when the Jewish people of Israel dared to declare themselves independent after having been ruled by a Muslim nation. The Ottoman Empire was this most recent muslim occupier, but it lost the territory to Great Britain after World War 1.

    3) Leftists in the West have latched onto the anti-Israel bandwagon because they identified the Israelis as being an oppressive, primarily white, relatively wealthy people moving into and taking over a small, relatively poor area. Leftists actually believe that they are doing the area a favor to the by opposing Israel by supporting terrorists.

  4. I certainly agree with what vakeraj has said.

    The thought of the bankings issues though can be seen in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, showing the great distrust of Jews even then.

    There is also the interpretations of what Jesus said in the Bible. How He expressed displeasure at the acts of the Pharisees, and basically said if you want to be a righteous man do not do what they're doing.

    Many Christians read that as, Jesus saying the Jews are evil. I think that would certainly be one possible reason.

    This is purely observation but it seems like Jews try harder to succeed which leads to great levels of jealousy from those who expect everything on a silver platter. If only more people were like Jews. that also goes a way to explain some of the prejudices that western society is starting to show towards Asians.

  5. Jews outperformed "native" ethnic groups economically, fostering resentment. Not much different from how the rest of Asia has treated the Chinese (and for the same reason; Chinese are even called "the Jews of Asia"). See The Economics and Politics of Race by Thomas Sowell.

  6. Its just a theory but I've found they make a perfect scapegoat for other peoples problems. Throughout history whenever a dictator or czar had trouble explaining all the problems in his realm (usually caused by bad governing) the jews were ideal to take the blame. They were a distinct ethnic group, always successful and always different. So of course all the problems were caused by them. This continues today, Iran and the arab countries blames Israel for their abject poverty despite all the oil. Also the world needs a good solid reason for while the middle east is so messed up, they notice that Israel is the only place that seems well off there. So it must be the jews prevoking war and stealing all the money.

  7. Anonymous4:14 AM

    They killed Jesus?

  8. For pretty much the same reason the rest of the world dislike the USA; jealousy/envy. Jews are generally intelligent, hard working & successful. So if you can knock them down (USA as well), it levels the playing field, makes everyone “feel” equal and worthy.

  9. "Banking was long considered an improper profession for Christians, so only Jews entered it"

    Uh, no. The reason Jews got heavily involved in financial services is because in many parts of the world they were prohibited from owning land. That made it difficult for them to get into agriculture, or run a profitable business without being fleeced by a landlord, so they turned to trades which didn't hinge on a fixed address.

  10. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Hey Cap, the best theories I've seen are in three books:

    1) the chapter "Are Jews Generic?" in Thomas Sowell's Black Rednecks and White Liberals

    2) Ernest van den Haag's The Jewish Mystique.

    3) Dennis Prager's Why the Jews?

    For my money, Sowell pretty much nails it. His essay is must reading.

  11. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I have Jewish friends and the only thing I see as a negative towards them is their "cliquey" nature. Makes them appear stand-offish and unapproachable, which does not endear them to most non-Jews.

  12. Hey, I was going to say all that stuff Vakeraj said above.

    The only point that I would add is that Jews have always been very big on education. Obviously, having the ability to read and write would give them an enormous advantage over the illiterate peasants of centuries past. That characteristic, combined with their belonging to a very tightly-knit society that looks after its own, translated into economic gain.

    In the end, it all boils down to envy and resentment. Every malcontent in the world needs to blame someone else for his own failure and misery. If someone has wealth, it must be ill-gotten, right?

  13. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I've never quite understood the exact reason either, but remember hearing as a child that Jews don't believe Jesus was God's son, sent to save the world. They only believe and practice the laws in the Old Testement.
    How that relates to the hatred is beyond me, but then I'm not a religious "nut", and can't hold a grudge past Christmas.

  14. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I always thought it was culterually perpetuated by those civilizations that didn't practice "Usury" Early Christian, Muslum and a few others forbade Usury. The Knights Templar got around those laws of the time, for a while.

    Now-a-days they seem to be the "safe" stereotype to poke fun of... like christians.

  15. Matt Hillier10:55 AM

    I won't speak to the historical stuff as I'm certainly no expert, and it appears most of the other commenters have covered the bases as I understand them anyway (Jesus, Islam, banking, wealth, jealousy, resentment, etc.).

    But as bookstopper's comment alludes to, I would say that a decent amount of present day anti-semitism stems from Israel's refusal to play the victim in a Western culture that largely glorifies victimhood. The Western left, broadly speaking, used to side with Israel when they were the perceived as the victim of Arab/Muslim aggression (and of course the Holocaust was still fresh in everyone's mind...extra bonus victim points!!), but once the IDF started kicking ass the equation changed. 'Palestinian' victimhood, good. 'Oppressive' Israel, bad.

    Naughty Jews! Stop defending yourself from those who are trying to annihilate all of you...ummm...again. And certainly stop doing it so well!

    Or maybe it's because of Woody Allen.

  16. During the Black Plague, the Jews were protected from the worst of the impact by their relative cleanliness and by living apart in segregated communities. This was noticed by the other communities who then blamed the plague on the Jews (including the Pope). The death rate for Jews started to climb during this period, but from murderous mobs not from disease.

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Muslims started hating jews because of the first Arab/Israeli war in 1949 when the Jewish people of Israel dared to declare themselves independent after having been ruled by a Muslim nation.

    That's grossly ahistorical. Muslims hate Jews because Muhammad hated Jews, and Muhammad hated Jews because they rejected his claims of prophethood. That would be circa 610 +- a few years. Rather a long time before 1949. Israel's rejection of Muslim rule is a rallying point for Muslim hate, not the reason for it.

  18. I really didn't get it either, but I think it's because they've managed to be around since the dawn of time. There's a lot of history from which you can pick your battle.

    I think some of the hatred in the ME is because they've managed to carve out a very nice country in a very short amount of time. Of course, once you do that everyone wants a piece, but none are willing to actually make it happen on their own.

  19. MTGirl4:15 PM

    In the case of Hitler, the Jews of Germany were one of the wealthiest groups. So when he went after them, it was the most lucrative scape goat to pick.

    It would appear from this that the Jewish community of germany must not have had a significant political or military presence in the population.

    I actually don't really know that many genetically Jewish people (I think), but I'm wondering if there was something in their culture that discouraged pursuing high political office and/or military leadership roles. Maybe the stereotype of taking over the family business?

    This would make them the fattest of the local fish in the town barrel (to stretch a simile to it's breaking point) for the govt to shoot. And, to prevent fear OF Govt, those doing the persecuting/confiscating of funds would have had to come up with some sort of propaganda to justify it. "See, I'm not going to tax you to death or put you in camps, Mr. Catholic German. We're just doing it to the evil ZIONISTS because they....are conspiring against us! With Aliens! And wearing "We Killed Jesus" t-shirts!"

    If this pattern is correct, then it would have occurred several times throughout history, with each round being accompanied by a new rash of propaganda and fear mongering. Maybe alot of the current hatred is just a continuation of that.

    As for Arabs, I think it's a land war.

  20. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Interesting that no one has posted the basic religious perspective, which is:

    (a) There really is a God.
    (b) God really did choose the Hebrews (of which the Jews were of one tribe) as the "chosen people"
    (c) They were chosen to produce offspring through time which lead to Yashuah Messiah (Jesus Christ) (as well as all the the other stuff related to God's will)
    (d) This led to Christianity
    (e) Satan counterattacked with Islam, which hates Jews as the chosen people and hates Christians just because.

    Etcetera. In other words, assume for a moment it is all true -- there really is a God, there really is a Satan, there really is the Christ -- look at it from that angle. Not the angle of people believing that -- but the angle of "it is really true".

    Then from that perspective you see -- why so many people have hated the Jews for centuries and still do. It is not rational. It is insanity. It is because there really is a "Satan" that drives men made with hate.

  21. Anonymous7:53 PM

    randian is an ignorant bigot.

    Mohammed, in the Qu'ran, explicitly protects Jews and Christians ("people of the book") in a way it doesn't protect other faiths: look it up. This is why Saladin was able to take Jerusalem without spilling blood, they welcomed him in.

    Muslim-ruled Spain consequently had Jews in positions of power and respect and represented as much of a flowering of Jewish thought as of Islamic (see, for example, Maimonides). The history there is pretty clear, by the way: the Christians chased out the Muslims, started the Inquisition, and since (as pointed out above) the Jews first abandoned Abrahamic strictures against usury (the Christians later, the Muslims still haven't), Spanish finances collapsed and they commissioned Columbus.

    Today Muslims are poor and embittered for lots of reasons and have picked up lots of crappy ideas. But there was a time when Islam protected the Jews from Christians. randian's motives are transparent.

  22. If it weren't for two Jewish professors, I probably wouldn't have completed my Ph.D.

    I'd agree with most of the other comments. Let me add.

    When Ferdinand and Isabella reconquered Spain from the muslims, the religious fervor which made them victoriuous unfortunately spread against Jews who were forced to convert or leave Spain. The Spanish brought this bigotry to the Americas and large parts of Asia.

    Karl Marx was a Jew and Jews were an integral part of the anarchist and socialist movements in the 19th century. Whether that was due to their mistreatment or affinity due to their religious philosophy, I don't know.

    Jews were strongly associated with Bolshevism, dominated the Poliburo and committees, and included Lenin, Trotsky, and Eisenstein.

    Communism in Germany began in WWI with the Spartacus Group led by three Jews. Later, they gathered tremendous support and even declared a Soviet Socialist state in Bavaria. Their chief rivals were the Freikorps which later became the SS who joined with the Weimar government to crush the communists.

    When Hitler came to power, the intelligentsia who were sympathetic to communism were disproportionately made up of Jews. Hence, Hitler's hatred for them.

    To this day, all across the world, the majority of Jews range from left leaning to the most ardent proponents of communism and socialism.

    In short, they worked very hard over the past 150 years to wage anarchist and socialist revolution. That has earned them a lot of enemies.

    In the US, about 80 percent of Jews vote Democrat. There are 14 Jewish Senators out of 99 and since Coleman and Franken are both Jewish, there is sure to be 15. Twelve of those 14 are Democrats. Out of 435 Congressmen, 30 are Jewish. 29 of those are Democrats.

    Jews who were discriminated against on the East Coast founded Hollywood as the movie capital. Their power and influence there continues to this day.

    There were many powerful Jewish gangsters.

    Famous economists Paul Krugman, Larry Summers, Paul Samuelson, George Ackerlof, Kenneth Arrow, Gary Becker, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Martin Feldstein, Robert Heilbronner, Jerry Hausman, Leon Hurwicz, David Kreps, Steve Levitt, Merton Miller, Wasilly Leontief, Ludwig von Mises, Milton and Rose Friedman, Franco Modigliani, Nouriel Roubini, Andrei Schleiffer, Joe Stiglitz, Myron Sholes, Murray Rothbard, Jacob Viner and Robert Solow are all Jewish.

    Many, but not all of these guys are left wing. The notable exceptions are champions of free markets.

    Jews are prominent leaders in the ACLU, labor unions, law and medicine.

    There are more than a dozen public universities in the US with over 15 percent of Jews in the student body. There are many academic departments which are majority Jewish.

    So bigots looking for evidence of a Zionist Occupied Government don't have to look hard for evidence to support their claims. Jews as a group have become disproportionately very successful, rich, and powerful. That unfortunately brings hatred and envy.

  23. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Two elderly Jewish men were sitting on a park bench reading newspapers.

    One was reading the New York Times. He looked over at the other man and saw he was reading a Neo-Nazi newsletter.

    The first man asked, "Why the Hell are you reading that garbage?"

    The other man replied, "In your paper, we're getting assaulted, tortured, and killed every day. In my paper we are rich, powerful, and secretly run the world."

  24. Anonymous9:00 PM

    In an civilized and open society, there are no legitimate reasons to hate Jews. The posters here pretty well have it nailed.

    a) Jews associate in their own circles, breeding distrust.

    b) The Jewish religion, practices and culture were and still are different. Being different sows the seeds of distrust and hate.

    c) There is a great signficance to the argument of jealousy for their success.

    d) The establishment of the state of Israel in the Mid East from the post WWI remains of the Ottoman Empire and as a result of the Balfour declaration.

    e) The fact that non-functioning governments and dictatorship need someone to blame for their failures - the Jews happen to have been very convenient targets for this role.

    f) I agree with the poster who more or less says the Jews and Israel refuse to buy into false victimhood and want to control their own destiny. Jews have experienced enough true victimization which has made them better and stronger people as individuals and as a society.


    Tomorrow's question is "Why does the Jewish American constituency overwhelmingly support Democrats even though the Democratic party does not support Israel as strongly as do the Republicans?


  25. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I lived with a jew once. He said he was jewish, but not in the religious sense.

    He constantly ate other people's food in the house without asking. One time he had me buy a round of drinks and said he'd get the next, then he left. He did stuff like that many times and would become very angry about it if someone did it to him. Really annoyed me. I've kind of resented American Jews ever since living with him, but I've only ever been around a couple. He was also a big time liberal too, so that could really be the problem ;).

  26. Adam's Spare Rib9:36 PM

    Everyone else is talking about the past. I was thinking you meant today.

    I'm sorry to say that most Canadian and American Jews I've encountered are arrogant, abrasive, snobs. Most Israelis I've met are very nice and down to Earth people. Just generalizing but that's been my experience from meeting hundreds of Jews at work, school and out and about over many years.

    I've got a similar opinion about East Indians in Canada and the US. They are like brown Jews.

    Both groups push their kids into education and high income jobs, flaunt wealth and treat other people as lesser beings. If they haven't published a book by 30 they are slackers. As a group it's good, but for kids who are less gifted it destroys their self-esteem. This drive makes both groups look greedy and grasping for power and money.

    I admire their cultural drive and wish more people were like that but there's no reason to be arrogant. I hope my daughter grows up to be a doctor or lawyer and I'm going to encourage her but it's her choice. It seems to me that their ambition is less by choice and more about parental expectations.

    I knew a young Jewish man who dropped out of medical school in his third year because all he ever wanted to be was a constable/ police officer. His parents didn't speak to him for years. He paid off all his student loans in five years and is happily a Patrol Sergeant now. Even though he made amends with his family, he tells me they still make disapproving comments about his career choice in front of friends and family.

    I don't hate Jews but being near them in droves in Toronto, Montreal, Florida and New York is painful. As far as discrimination today goes, they give as good as they get. I haven't felt welcome in some of their business establishments.

    I love most Jewish comedians going all the way back to the Marx Brothers, but I can't stand a Yiddish accent. It's so annoying and overdone.

    Did you know that Lorne Greene and William Shatner were both Canadian Jews? Both were leading icons in their genres and their characters were seemingly Christian although they never explicitly said so.

    I'm sorry if my truthful answer offends anyone. It's how I feel.

  27. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Mohammed, in the Qu'ran, explicitly protects Jews and Christians ("people of the book") in a way it doesn't protect other faiths: look it up.

    The "protection" you speak of is the protection of the extortionist and the thug. Muslims protect Jews and Christians in the same way the Mafia protects shopkeepers. Nobody would willingly accept such "protection".

    Muslim-ruled Spain consequently had Jews in positions of power and respect

    No, Muslims kept Jews around to administer the state. That's not the same as giving them power and respect, Sharia would forbid that.

  28. Anonymous4:21 AM

    randian, back with simple historical lies.

    randian, I have a Qu'ran here. tell me where it says Jews are scum. Tell me where Mohammed kills hundreds of them.

    Explain, please, why sharia prevents Jews having respect and power -- because they did in Moorish Spain and in the Ottomans and nonMuslim slaves (Mamelukes) often de facto ruled the Otttomans.

    Want to know why antiSemitism persists? randian is your answer. Some folks will lie to demonize people for their race. It is that sample.

  29. Forget Jews, I want to know why people hate Belgins.

  30. Whoever said Saladin didn't kill all the Christians in Jerusalem is at best ignorant of history and at worst a revisionist.

    The fall of Jerusalem was inevitable so the defenders had to decide whether to surrender or fight. A previuos slaughter of muslim pilgrims by a rogue Crusader infuriated Saladin who captured and beheaded him.

    The defenders believed Saladin would give them noq quarter. They threatened to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque if Saladin attacked. A fight would have depleted Saladin's forces and he needed all of them to control the territories he conquered and protect himself from internal threats.

    So they struck a bargain. The Christians would surrender without a fight and pay a ransom. Saladin would allow the Crusaders safe passage and treat Christians with compassion. It was a bargain he mostly kept but they ripped down the cross off the Dome and dragged it through the streets.

    Muslims were violent invaders who showed little mercy of compassion. I'm not saying they were any worse than the Christian kings and soldiers of their day but I'm not going to let anyone try to polish that turd. Islam's entire history is shrouded in lies. They come from a culture of liars. Even today they will lie to save face and spin facts in their favor. Amongst themselves they know they are lying but it is against their culture to call one another liars. You have to allow someone the ability to save face. That is why there has been little change and little atonement in their religion or culture for centuries.

    Truth, mercy, and admission of wrongdoing is a sign of weakness for them.

  31. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I have a Qu'ran here. tell me where it says Jews are scum.

    Pickthall's translation:

    Quran 5:51: "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk."

    Quran 5:62-5:66: "And thou seest many of them vying one with another in sin and transgression and their devouring of illicit gain. Verily evil is what they do. Why do not the rabbis and the priests forbid their evil-speaking and their devouring of illicit gain? Verily evil is their handiwork. The Jews say: Allah's hand is fettered. Their hands are fettered and they are accursed for saying so. Nay, but both His hands are spread out wide in bounty. He bestoweth as He will. That which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord is certain to increase the contumacy and disbelief of many of them, and We have cast among them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection. As often as they light a fire for war, Allah extinguisheth it. Their effort is for corruption in the land, and Allah loveth not corrupters. If only the People of the Scripture would believe and ward off (evil), surely We should remit their sins from them and surely We should bring them into Gardens of Delight. If they had observed the Torah and the Gospel and that which was revealed unto them from their Lord, they would surely have been nourished from above them and from beneath their feet. Among them there are people who are moderate, but many of them are of evil conduct."

    In the tradition in the reliable compilations of Muslim and Al-Bukhari, the following is attributed to the Prophet Muhammad: "A group of the sons of Israel, and it is not known what they did, was lost, and I fear that they are mice. Don't you see that when mice are given camel's milk they don't drink it, and when they are given sheep's milk they drink it?" As the 13th century Hadith commentator Al-Nawawi explains, "The flesh and milk of camels are forbidden to the sons of Israel, while the flesh and milk of sheep are not. Therefore, the mice's refraining from drinking camel's milk and their not refraining from drinking sheep's milk proves that they are the sons of Israel in animal form."

    Tell me where Mohammed kills hundreds of them.

    He assassinated diplomats from Khaybar (Bukhari vol. 5, nos. 4038-4040, in the Book of Military Expeditions).

    He decapitated around 600 men of the Qurayza tribe (Bukhari vol. 4, no. 2813 in the Book of Jihad; and vol. 5 nos. 4117-4124 in the Book of Military Expeditions, especially nos. 4121 and 4122; Muslim vol. 3, nos. 4368-4373)

    His deathbed order to Umar that "Two religions shall not remain together in the peninsula of the Arabs" resulted in the massacre of the remaining Jews and Christians in the Arabian Peninsula (Bukhari, vol. 3, no. 2730, in the Book of the Conditions; Muslim vol. 3, no. 4366; Ibn Ishaq p. 525 / 779-80)

  32. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It's so simple you'll hate yourself. It's brother against half-brother and Abraham couldn't keep it in his pants long enough to trust what God had told him. And God told him there would always be division because of his impatience. See there, simple.

  33. It's a combination of two factors:

    1. Jews are what Amy Chua refers to as a Market Dominant minority. They aquire wealth(legitimately) whereever they go

    2. Jews have historically maintained a separate culture.

    1 + 2 leads to jealousy and eventual violence

  34. Emmanuel Goldstein2:41 AM

    Because Jews are nerds. Real life is simply a continuation of high school bullying, but this time with huge amounts of money and weaponry. I am serious.

  35. Captain Capitalism,

    It isn't that you don't understand why people hate Jews, it is that you want to deny reality instead of embracing uncomfortable truths.

    You already start off with an ad hominem attack. Because I disagree with Jewish programs and agendas, I am immediately a Nazi bigot racist hater who wants to kill 6 million Jews.

    Interestingly this type of labeling and denial of reality is typical liberal behavior.

    Now logically it doesn't make sense that almost every culture who has housed the Jews considers them a curse. Were hundreds of cultures wrong, or is Judaism wrong?

    Occam's razor. Something is probably wrong with Jews.

    But what exactly is wrong with them? I will make it as Politically Correct (which I am sure you will appreciate) as possible.

    For better or worse, when Jews enter a society, they eventually end up exerting a disproportionate amount of influence on policy. This is because not only are Jews fairly intelligent, but they also consider themselves an outgroup, which means they stick together.

    There are two Jewish supreme court justices, Obama is part Jewish, Congress is rife with Jews, the Federal reserve system and large banking houses are mostly Jewish and I could go on and on.

    All of this wealth and power means that they can force their vision of the future on the majority population.

    Now the host population doesn't share the same values that most Jews do.

    I will name one example.
    Gun Control.

    Jews overwhelming support gun control. (I have read studies where around 96% of Jews are gun control supporters)

    Americans as a whole do not support gun control, and yet look at all the repressive gun control legislation that has been passed in the past 50 years.

    Jewish money allows this steamroller to go forward, although the majority of the population opposes these measures.

    You could say that Jews are hated for their success, but only when they use this success to try to transform their host society into Tikkun Olam.

    When they reach a critical mass of screwing up society (in the eyes of the host people), there are pogroms.

    Now whether gun control or other communist measures that Jews support are moral is irrelevant.

    The point is that Jewish ideals are polar opposites of their host cultures, which will inevitably lead to friction.

  36. I am me3:13 PM

    I think I might actually have a sensible answer:
    Any individual who perceives themselves primarily as a member of a superior, exclusive group rather than as a single person, on equal terms with other individuals will be at best disliked and at worst despised. This is because such a viewpoint is inherently prejudiced against others not from within that group. Add to this the belief that superiority is a God given right along with a defensive, arguably paranoid outlook, albeit possibly justified by historical persecution against said group and the ability to enforce ones viewpoint at the expense of others via means of physical coercion and you might have an answer.
    Of course a normal individual will not define themselves as part of a ‘pack’ and it is foolhardy to discriminate against any individual because they may be seen as being associated with a group. However there are people with inferiority issues who unfortunately will seek to control others and justify their behaviour in any way they can. To argue that because something happened a descendant, that this gives one the right to behave in a certain way against the descendents of others is ignorant and someone behaving in this way will be despised. It goes without saying that not all people, Jewish, Christian, Muslim or otherwise, behave in a given manner because of their heritage or faith.

  37. Funny, I always though Karl Marx was an Atheist...

    Remind me of an old Irish joke,

    A man is walking down the border crossing from the north to the south. All of a sudden he's stopped by a group of armed men, one man says to him"are you a Protestant or a Catholic?" The man replies "I'm an Atheist", the armed are confused and start to talk amongst themselves. 1 minute later the men break of their huddle and say "Right! Are you a Catholic Atheist or a Protestant Atheist!?"

    I'm sure some anti-semite will say but it's not the same thing, to me it is...

  38. Funny, I always though Karl Marx was an Atheist...

    Remind me of an old Irish joke,

    A man is walking down the border crossing from the north to the south. All of a sudden he's stopped by a group of armed men, one man says to him"are you a Protestant or a Catholic?" The man replies "I'm an Atheist", the armed are confused and start to talk amongst themselves. 1 minute later the men break of their huddle and say "Right! Are you a Catholic Atheist or a Protestant Atheist!?"

    I'm sure some anti-semite will say but it's not the same thing, to me it is...
