Friday, July 03, 2009

Barack Obama is a Dumbass

And yes, it is that simple.



  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    "We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

    Sir Winston Churchill

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Better be careful, Captain. Zero as shown contempt for the law and an admiration for lefty goons like Castro and Chavez, don't think for a second that that nasty Chicago Machine corrupt piece of shit won't start "disappearing" dssenters.

  3. If it comes to that, then it will be time to take up arms. And then Obama will have more trouble than just the economy on his hands.

  4. Close. But it's actually simpler than that. "We'll give taxpayer money to our constituents to continuing voting, campaigning and contributing to our Party. Oh, and we'll bail out a few giant industries so we can launder money which will be returned as campaign contributions. With some illegal voter registration/ballot box tweaking, we have a permanent majority. Yeah, that should work." Devising policies for economic recovery are not part of the program. In fact, enhancing the demand for and supply of government dependency is the goal. Yes, it really is that simple.

  5. Scott5:14 AM

    "Barack Obama is a Dumbass"

    From our "Department of Redundancy Department."

  6. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I think Barrack Obama is a pretty cool guy. eh kills the economy and doesn't afraid of anything.

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    go back to 4chan you cancer.

  8. Ryan Fuller12:33 PM

    I'll take credit for that last one. Figured it would be more appropriate to post it as Anonymous, as is traditional.

    Of course, my failure to capitalize properly was part of the meme. What's your excuse?

  9. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Eh, I type how I want to type...

    and rules 1 & 2, you noob... Gosh.

  10. Ryan Fuller9:26 PM

    "Eh, I type how I want to type..."

    And apparently you want to type like a trailer-squatting, borderline illiterate.

    Keep on reaching for the stars.

  11. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Would it have helped if I put "girlfriend (in a heavy black female accent)" after the "..."?

    You keep reaching for the stars.

  12. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Can anyone explain just why this Subhuman Muslim Mongrel got into the Whitehouse. Was Bush's tenure in the Whitehouse that bad where it was decided OH THE REPUBLICANS REALLY MESSED UP , GUESS ITS TIME TO GIVE THE DEMOCRATS ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY. perhaps america needs to put a non politician in the Oval Office
