Monday, July 27, 2009

A Reason for Culling the Human Population

Somebody shoot this preppy, spoiled, brat suburbanite for me, please.

And like, um, like I just think, that um, like, we should, um like, maybe, just uh, require that uh, like people should have to take a, like um, test to um like, see if they like, um, are smart enough to like be, uh, able to vote.

And you people wonder how Obama got elected.


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    No doubt a UC Santa Cruz grad.

  2. I, like, made it through, like 20 seconds of that stuff, like I couldn't like put up with that like blonde bimbo dyed with artificial intelligence.

    Occasionally I pause on the public access channel for the hearings of the San Francisco Board of Stupidvisors.

    I would rather be tortured in a Vietnamese prison camp than to be paid to sit through the daily rants of the local population. As a former professor, it's painful to listen to such utter arrogance in ignorance.

  3. WOWSER! She should be recruited to help solve the energy crisis also. Just like the "Free Land" and "Vegetable Trees", we can solve our energy needs by planting "Gas Trees & Bushes".

  4. That's kind of the first reaction I had. But on further reflection, the folks she's talking to owe her a big apology. Why? Because she's obviously a product of their public school system, and they're creating barely functional illiterates.

  5. I could only make it 47 seconds in. I was cringing too badly watching this girl make a complete ass out of herself, I couldn't take it anymore.

  6. Scott7:17 AM

    While watching this, for some reason, I couldn't help but think of this:

    My Brain Hurts.

  7. Gatmando9:04 AM

    You're probably being a bit harsh. She's either border-line retarded or one of the greatest performance artists of our generation.

    "...they have fruit trees and vegetable trees, that's where fruit and vegetable comes from..."
    - Brilliant!

  8. I actually believe I became stupider from listening to that.

  9. Wow, she is seriously retarded. She speaks like a 5-year-old child. Somebody should put her under guardianship.

  10. Anonymous11:51 AM

    She's not a suburbanite. Santa Cruz isn't a suburb. It is, in fact, the capital city of the Hippie Empire. Such denizens are all too common there.

  11. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I bet you she has a Masters Degree from a local University... probably a Political Science Major...

  12. Jaime Roberto1:29 PM

    That was, like, totally awesome. I'm, like, totally down with her proposals. But, um, I think I should get a rose-farting unicorn too. Because this is California, not that slave-holding east coast

  13. un. fucking. believable.

  14. Rose farting unicorn?

    I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

  15. Anonymous9:33 PM

    my son who can hardly speak due to medical issues gets his point across this useless twit.

    That was just painfull.


  16. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "Wow, like we are, really, uhhhhhhhh like doomed, like ummmmm yeah, what I said". Un F!@# real, takes three minute I'll never get back.

  17. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I thought she must have been a blonde but then would have been too stupid to dye her hair.she must be prevented from breeding at all costs.
    It is possible that if she were to appear on a British TV show might get an award of comedienne of the year....
