Friday, September 04, 2009

Derivative Dumbasses

Geez, just when I open my mouth, some idiot points out to the "slowing" of the collapse.

No Nigel, it ISN'T good to see them slow down. It would be good to see them reverse.

Oh, but that's right, the Big O is in the office and we have to spin everything to make it seem like cake and ice cream.

Bush would be crucified for this kind of performance.


  1. The slobbering love affair the news media has with Obama is really beginning to get on my nerves.

    The building is collapsing slower then expected. Yeah! Reason to celebrate!

    Last time I checked my physics textbook, the economy has no "mass" and therefore, cannot have momentum. A reduction in velocity does not automatically lead to the conclusion that a reversal will be easier to accomplish.

    This administration is getting away with the proverbial 'murder'. Everything that is wrong, is the previous administration's fault. (somehow, Bush never got that leniency.)

    Organize for America? Never under a Republican.
    A tax cheat as the Sec. of the Treasury? Impeachment proceedings would commence immediately if Bush was in office.

    The latest.

    A nationwide address to all public school children.

    Had Bush tried that, there would be a MASSIVE outcry about brainwashing, and most schools would not participate. Somehow, when Obama does it, well, he is just trying to encourage children to stay in school and make the most of themselves.

    What an unmitigated pile of festering tripe.

  2. Just beginning to get on your nerves, CBMTTek? :^)

    Inflection points are significant at times, but when data are scattered around like buckshot, it's kinda hard to tell when its real. Not that the media would have any clue about statistics, of course! :^)

  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I quit watching network and cable news about a year ago and don't miss it a bit. I read a newspaper and read a bunch of blogs to get my news. Rather than watch the news I turn on the Sirius Classical music channels on the satellite dish.

    I'm actually better informed than before and a lot calmer too.

    There are reasons CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN's viewership are all dropping like a rock.

    I can't wait for the NY Times to go bankrupt like the Star Tribune.

  4. AeroGuy2:42 PM

    The thing that really pisses me off is how the latest crowd of collage grads that don't have jobs aren't counted in the unemployment numbers nor is it even reported on. I don't know a single recent collage grad who has a civilian job that uses their degree. I do however know more than a few recent collage grads with degrees in engineering that have moved back in with their parents. What's worse is how that's just the tip of the iceberg in how the real level of unemployment is being hidden.

  5. Mike Kelley8:39 PM

    This doesn't look good:
