Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Glenn Beck and His Ilk are the Only Real Journalists Left

"Journalism" when I was originally attending college, was what inferior students who couldn't do calculus would pursue in their attempt to overthrow and "fight the system *maaaan!*" even though it was that system that provided their parents with enough money to pay for their worthless asses to get a degree in something as worthless as "journalism."

However, as you age you start to appreciate the vital role a healthy, but above all, UNBIASED media and journalistic industry provides to the rest of the country in that they are the truth sayers and investigators that keep the politicians honest.

Too bad all the morons and idiots who were too damn lazy to take up real studies entered journalism, for this vital aspect of a democracy is now corrupted. And this corruption shows no more brightly than today.

In short the only real journalists (and I mean this sincerely, my personal political bias set aside) are the few bands of radio talk show hosts and Fox News.

Oh, mock Fox News as you might, but whilst the NYT excuses not covering the ACORN "whore" story on "journalists taking vacation" and the rest of the MSM seems nothing more than whores themselves for the socialist party of the US (and I really don't mean to sound hyperbolic, but that's REALLY what it is) it seems the only REAL journalists out there are those of Fox News, Glen Beck and other "radical" evil, right wing hate monsters.

Now, cute overdone, overused epitaphs used since 1993 set aside to describe Glenn Beck and his ilk as "hate mongers" and "racists", the truth still remains that;

Glen Beck is the only guy to bring down a communist Anti-American, racist like Van Jones

Glenn Beck is also the only guy to bring national attention to the criminal organization known as ACORN (aside from the brave AND GENUINE JOURNALISTS that filmed those films in the first place). Not to mention the scores of bloggers who brought down criminal hypocrites such as Dan Rather and the like.

Conservative/libertarian talk shows are the only ones addressing things like constitutionality as well as the finances of the country.

Pointing out the inconsistencies and genuine lies about health care being purported by the socialists in government and then reliably trotted out by their complicit MSM buddies.

And are frankly the only ones who can tell the American people what they DON'T want to hear as it is based in TRUTH and not RATINGS risking being ostracized and criticized themselves.

The larger point is that if you look at it from far far above with an eagle's eye view, it is not the worthless, spoiled brat "me-generation" boomers-come-journalists established in the entrenched traditional MSM that are doing any REAL journalism and investigative work.

It is not their children who were too damn lazy to major in something productive and instead chose journalism as a means to advance a cause rather than REPORT THE FREAKING NEWS that are the real journalists today.

The true, genuine and REAL journalists are those at Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush LImbaugh, Reason, King Banaian, Jason Lewis and the hundreds of bloggers who do NOT have an agenda, but rather have intellectually honesty and the vitally important desire to pursue TRUTH not to mention a genuine care for the American people and the future of this country.

It's these people who are the genuine journalistic heroes of our time in that they do not only expose the criminals such as ACORN and Charley Rangel and Van Jones, but they do the job the established, bought-off, and corrupted media was supposed to do.

So you can go ahead and mock Glenn Beck.

You can go ahead and call all these "evil right wing bloggers" racists or sexists.

They don't do it because they're "sexist" or "racist" or just "generally mean and poopey people." They do it because they care about the country and the truth is the American public needs to pull its head out of its ass and start thinking independently or suffer the consequences. And instead of tuning into "The Nightly News" with shills and media whores such as Anderson Cooper and Katie Curick (I don't care how to properly spell her name), they might want to tune into a Glenn Beck or a Jason Lewis.

Because frankly, you can continue to be told what you want to hear by what is nothing more than an extention of the Democrat part of the US, or you can be told the truth. The blue pill or the red pill.

Sadly, most American don't have the intellectual fortitude to be Neo.


  1. Anonymous6:34 AM

    No Kidding.

    I speak with older family members who are basically MSM consumers and it's quite obvious they are starting to twig to the fact that aren't gettign the whole story.

    One of my elderly uncles called me the other night and asked for some web sites... saying " for the last year you've been weeks ahead of the news cycle, it's about time I started to getting better information"

    You know, when your 78y.o. uncle decides his local paper and the evening news are hiding stuff from him, you know the MSM is circling the drain.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Bernard Goldberg's signature book talks about specific accounts of media bias. It's not that they plan it out...they just consider anyone with a conservative attitude to be hateful or inferior, which manifests itself as conservatives (even intelligent conservatives) not being hired. This creates a self-perpetuating liberal culture that only reinforces these stereotypes.

    What we're seeing now is how far down that road the MSM has actually gone. They don't report news they don't want on the air. They speak of Obama so flatteringly and investigate him so little that they're influencing many uncritical minds and alienating many critical minds.

  3. Right on the mark, Captain!! Guys like Glenn Beck are going to prove themselves the saviors of this great nation...and it's about damn time, too! The irony to all this will be the morons being saved by the actions of those that paid attention, stopped the bullshit in D.C. and reversed the damage.

  4. Look at all the Obama appointees whose nominations got canned. Look at Van Jones and ACORN. Look at how tough it is for the super-majority Dems to get health care deconstruction, their centerpiece, passed. Beck and Fox News are scoring hits big time. The counter-attacks bounce off their armor.

    Look at Obama's approval rating fall and his disapproval rise.

    Behold, a god who bleeds!

  5. Hi Captain,
    I recently read on one of my favorite blogs that Obama has spent more money in his time in office than all other past presidents combined. Is this true? If it is it's pretty shocking. If it isn't then I won't go around repeating Can you verify this?

  6. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The left wing "MSM" is dying, and it deserves to die a very painful death.

    All such "news" sources are seeing massive decreases in viewers, listeners and readers. Some are financially bankrupt - which matches their journalistic, ethical and moral bankruptcies.

    The media has lost the trust of their former clients, and those clients will never again trust the media.

    There is nothing more that I'd like to see is the New York Times to go bankrupt and cease publication. It is no longer a credible source of news.

    On a local level, would the Star Tribune please just do Minnesotans an honorable public service by going bankrupt and STFU.

    For the record, CBS has been banned from my house since Rathergate. Only exceptions are to watch a couple holes of golf and the Super Bowl.

    NBC has been banned since the network took a sharp left turn before the 2008 elections. The double whammy was when those morons hired Couric.

    CNN bought the farm due to the incredible bias during Katrina. Long live Fox News Channel!

    The best thing thinking people can do is boycott these morons and let them know they've been booted. Send a few notes to the major advertisers saying you're not buying their products until they drop advertising on offending programs.

  7. Ryan Fuller9:16 AM

    I wouldn't say Fox reporters don't have an agenda. They just have a right wing agenda instead of a left wing agenda. It makes them stand out, if nothing else.

    A completely unbiased news source doesn't exist, although I suppose the BBC comes closer than most when they're covering American news.

    Personally, I think "unbiased" news is overrated. Our criminal justice system is based on having systematically biased opposing viewpoints butting heads to see who comes out on top. Bloggers are almost always extremely biased, but they don't usually pretend that they're not and you can get a better picture of what's actually happening by looking at the conflicting pile of biased viewpoints than you could get by reading the mainstream media with their empty claims of unbiased reporting.
