Friday, September 18, 2009

The Nazi's are Coming, Hurray Hurray!

This is why, if I ever do run a large corporation, I will have separate facilities where men and women do not interact.

It is also why I would never set up shop in a state like California or New York where there are too many entitlement-mentality adult children who are practically looking for ways to be offended...matter of fact it's just a damn good idea to never set up shop in the US in the first place.



  1. Yeah, I had dealings with the University of Minnesota's Affimative Action department, Thank god for "Swani" and the CRs who gave some U administrators 1st amendment sensitivity training long before I arrives.

  2. The problem is when organizations institute a "zero tolerance" policy. Which very rapidly morphs into "policy is a substitute for thinking." policy.

    Someone claims they are harassed, or insulted, punishment needs to be handed out swiftly and without prejudice. Oh, and without any form of investigation either, consequences be damned!

    Remember when these things had to pass a test of reasonableness before people got fired?
