Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wilson is Right

Obama is a liar and it is that simple.
It is underhanded "wink wink" "nudge nudge" "oops, we didn't fill out the paper work correctly" excuse that angers me.

Illegals will get health care just as they do welfare and other benefits they are not entitled to because of "sloppy" paperwork by government, democrat-supporting, public sector union workers.


  1. AeroGuy6:22 PM

    I find it sickening how the Republican party has turned it's back on Wilson. Genuine conservatives on the other hand can show their support by writing him a check with this address.
    P.O. BOX 1538
    BEAUFORT, SC 29901
    It's about time someone had an angry outburst.

  2. They already get health care. Why should we think this health care bill is going to change that?

    I wonder if any illegal immigrants are going to be paying the fines for being uninsured. Actually, I don't wonder; I already know the answer.

  3. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Listening to nObama's speech on health care. A breakdown...Captain, you're the economist. Tell me if I'm wrong.

    Details of Obama's plan.


    1. If you have health insurance nothing will require you to change.

    Cost = 0

    2. No denying coverage due to preexisting condition.

    Translation: People who already have insurance will subsidize your preexisting condition.

    Result: Higher premiums for everyone. Pooling of risk!

    3. Against the law to drop you or "water down" your coverage.

    Translation: Even though you chose a policy with smaller premiums that wouldn't cover dramatic events, we will force them to keep you on even though the contract stated you would be dropped in a given situation.

    Result: Higher premiums for everyone else. Pooling of risk people!

    4. No capping of benefits.

    Translation: We've determined that it is a good investment in your great grandmother to have a major surgery at 95 that costs 100,000 and to force insurance companies to cover it.

    Result: Higher premiums for everyone.

    5. Limit on out of pocket expenses. ""No one should go broke because they get sick."

    Result: We'll all go broke together!!! Possibly the worst of all. Further incentives people to chose any and all potentially unnecessary procedures, cause "hey, I'm not paying for it." Higher premiums for everyone.

    6. Insurance required to cover "at no extra cost" routine check ups.

    Translation: Invisible magic men will pay for this so you don't have to.

    Result : See a theme forming here? Higher premiums for everyone.


    Rhetoric... we'll subsidize gubbamints insurances for you.

    Translation: We'll issue more debt to subsidize your insurance. God knows we politically can't cut spending nor raise taxes, so debt is the only option.

    Result: Inflation. It is coming.

    HOWEVER, if you STILL Don't sign up for health insurance, we'll fine you. Fucking brilliant.

  4. No, Wilson was wrong.

    He should have shouted, "Bullshit!"

    After an eight and a half year (and still running) hatefest of George W. Bush and the continuous undermining of his presidency, our military, and our country for political gain, I'm not even going to pretend to owe Obama, Pelosi, Reid, or any other Demon Rat an iota of support, courtesy or respect.

    Wilson made another mistake when he apologized.

    The travesty of this "debate" is that there is no debate. Obama and the Demon Rats are repeating the same old talking points and dismissing all dissenting opinions with a wave of their hands or a brazen insult. The media portrays every lunatic at Town Hall meetings and ignores the hundreds of thoughtful, intelligent questions. The purveyors of this fraud aren't holding Town Halls to allay concerns or accept feedback. These bills have been collecting dust in Demon Rat file cabinets since 1993. Nothing will be changed to satisfy valid criticisms. These Town Halls were meant to be contrived showpieces. They pretend to listen and nod in agreement, take notes, call for information... it's a dog and pony show.

    There is nothing to "debate" in the bills because they are 1000 pages of blank checks to do whatever they damned well please.

    You cannot "debate" the bills any more than you can accuse someone holding someone else's blank checks of overdraft, theft, or forgery. By the time people figure out they got more (or less) than they bargained for it will be too late to close Pandora's Box.

    The fundamental question of the matter is not whether this reform is necessary or frivolous, wise or unwise, costly or cost-saving, timely or untimely, fair or unfair, competitive or monopsonistic. The question is whether our federal government was empowered in the Constitution to become a de facto health insurance company.

    In countries not as well-founded on the principle of limited government powers, the issue is one of political choice. In America - MY America - the Constitution never gave my government any such power. The 10th Amendment makes it crystal clear that unless we specifically give government a power, it does not have it. The government does not have a blank check from the preamble's "general welfare" clause to do whatever it pleases.

    Obamacare is dead on arrival, just like Hillarycare. If it fails, they are failures. If it passes, the realization of every broken promise and every violated assurance will be its undoing. Unfortunately, once people are "entitled", wresting it away from them will be a violent matter.

  5. Anonymous11:01 PM

    The Public Plan Deception - It's not about choice.

    What Obama Should Have Said to Congress
    Free enterprise is the solution to our fiscal emergency

    Obama's Health Care Speech: A Furious Fusillade of Lies

    FACT CHECK: Obama uses iffy math on deficit pledge

    Obama's Lies Matter, Too
