Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The End Game of Leftist Policies

This is what happens when leftist policies are enacted. This is not hyperbole, nor rhetoric. This is just the truth.

The simple reason why is that you destroy any incentive to work. You do not promote nor protect the productive people. You punish investment and profit. And all you are left with are the degenerates of society living off of government hand outs TO THE POINT THAT LAND HAS A NEGATIVE VALUE.


  1. Yeah, but look at how successful California is with their leftist mentality..... Oh, bad example:-)

  2. AeroGuy3:22 PM

    We offered to sell Michigan to Canada but they refused to take Detroit so it didn't work out. So we tried selling it to Mexico but they insisted the people from Michigan get dual citizenship so we refused and it didn't work out. We negotiated with India but they required more money then what is currently in existence to take Detroit off our hands.

  3. Anonymous8:18 PM

    California is on its way down, it just hasn't collapsed yet.
