Friday, October 16, 2009

We Don't Need No Stinking Fathers!

Pfa! Men! Who needs them! They're soooooo 1950's!


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    What... do they not use protection at least?

  2. Captain: You have to look on the good side.

    It's good for families looking for kids to adopt.
    It's good for bureaucrats. More welfare, single mother assistance, etc..
    It's good for the economy. More future consumers.

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I have to correct Earl.

    The average kid rots in an orphanage nearly 10 years.

    While white babies get snatched up relatively quick, black babies rot in orphanages.

    Most of these kids are not given up for adoption. Everyone would be better off if they were aborted.

    It is good for bureaucrats who get elected promising entitlements.

    It is good for the economy the same way govt employing people to dig ditches and fill them back up is good for the economy.

    It reduces GDP per capita.

  4. If you want to know why, the people closest to the situation say there's no simple explanation.

    Yes, actually there IS a simple explanation. You just have to read between the lines in the article:

    Chicago Public Schools

    Principal Gerald Morrow

    "Why is it happening at Robeson?"

    LaDonna Denson

    "the pursuit of public assistance"

    "We're not looking at them like 'Ooh you made a mistake'"

    "We have to provide some type of environment for them and some form of support for them"

    Who is Paul Robeson?

    Paul Robeson sounds like he was a great guy. It must be quite an "honor" to name this school after him. He must've been quite an inspiration to these students!

  5. Anonymous has a great point. A lot of the kids in foster care in the inner city are not exactly the kind of kids people want to adopt, whatever the race. We're talking a lot of drug abuse and family abuse, too, and kids just don't turn out well without a lot of love.

    And most of them stay with their moms and become, at least disproportionately, the gangbangers of tomorrow. Yay.

  6. Anonymous9:33 PM

    you'll like the guys who turn up here Cap'n ...
