Thursday, October 08, 2009

You Will Get In Trouble

You will be hunted down.

You will be punished by the Matriarchy.

You have not complied!


  1. Elizabeth12:52 PM

    one of the "best" parts of that driving video is the part where the dude waiting for the chick to park got out of his car, got in her car, and parked it for her!

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    That is so awesome.

  3. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Based on the posts for that article:

    Men were basically nodding their heads in agreement.


    Women were screaming about how "we're not like that".

    Ah... yes, most of you are.

  4. That's a very funny website and mostly true.

    In my case, I'm the one who's always late and my wife is the hyper-organized planner who wants to be early.

    As a soldier, I was trained to be punctual. As I matured, though, I adopted the philosophy of Gandalf the Grey:

    "A wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to."
