Friday, December 18, 2009

This Makes Me Happy

You get the government you deserve.


  1. OK, wait a second here...

    Giving the homeless money does NOT result in less homeless?

    Are you kidding me?

    No wonder those jackholes re-elect Pelosi over and over again.

  2. Ryan Fuller11:32 AM

    Trying to prevent attacks by the violently insane by putting up signs that say, "No hitting."

    Man, why didn't I think of that?

  3. Well duh, Mr. Fuller.

    You are obviously an idiotic NON-San Franciscan.

    You are not enlightened.

    You are not open minded.

    You no doubt do NOT have a masters degree in liberal arts.

    You probably vote republican or conservative too, which is why you are sooooo naive and too stupid to understand how this works.

  4. Ryan Fuller7:04 PM

    Maybe if they had a poster with representatives of every ethnic group they can cram in there (plus a blind girl in a wheelchair) then people would understand that hitting is wrong?

    It'd probably cost a lot to get a picture like that, though. I bet there's a union for photogenic token minorities in San Francisco.

  5. Oh man, I am laughing, and I still have four pages to go. SO glad I don't live there (and laughing some more thinking about my lefty relatives who live there and love it, hahahaha).

  6. I'm from SF and I was so happy and surprised to see this article written in a San Francisco weekly paper nonetheless.

    I do think there is a silent majority in SF that is tired of the socialist politics and understands that government is rarely the answer to our problems.

    It's unfortunate though that we have a very vocal socialist base that gets the city supervisors elected in each neighborhood. We have the most radical supervisors in the USA no doubt, and it has done nothing to solve any of the problems they state they are solving.

    SF is the king of good intentions but never caring about results. All they can say in their own defense is that "WE'RE TRYING!!"

    I don't know what to do as a resident here. I'm one of the people who will leave the city when I have my kid, taking with it my high paying salary. I hope the worst for SF. I hope it collapses under the weight of all the non productive people who migrate to SF from all over the USA with their hands out.

    I try not to spend any money at local merchants to starve the government for the 9.5% sales taxes. I'd like to form some sort of PAC that promotes common sense leadership, but who knows. Common sense here gets you labeled as a crazy Republican right winger. hilarious.. not really.

  7. Wish more looney tune lefties would discover this utopia and move there, leaving the rest of the country for common sense residents. Think of it as a quarantine for moron lefties.

  8. Look which state made the top 10 most likely governments to default...
