Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why Live There?

Seriously, why does anybody live in that state?


  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Moonbat government aside, California is a very pleasant place to live. Imagine transplanting Texas' government to California. The stampede to live there would be enormous.

  2. Ryan Fuller5:13 PM

    It's 'cause they're stupid. True story.

  3. Jaime Roberto6:26 PM

    Why do I live here? I was born here and my family is here. If I was born elsewhere, I'd probably live there.

    As for the "Spare the Air Days", I'll light a fire in my fireplace whenever I damn well please, and shame be upon any neighbor who rats me out.

  4. Elizabeth11:13 PM

    more from that state:

  5. Cappy, as I've stated before, instead of railing on why so many morons live there, just be thankful it's so or they could be living here causing the same shit!

  6. The bay area is a big valley, pollution gets trapped. Asking that people not burn firewood on certain days when conditions might be especially bad hardly seems like a big deal.

    One of the commenters for the article made a good point about forest fires being far worse than people burning wood at home. And you may want to argue that the ban on wood fires at home during the holidays isn't justified. But the idea that all spare the air days, all 15-20/year, are unjustified is a little ridiculous. It's not a major government intrusion into your life to say, the air quality in the bay area is especially bad, please try to carpool, or work from home, and avoid unnecessary air pollution. To me, this seems like a legitimate use of government.

    And, being a Libertarian doesn't mean having an, "I'll do whatever I damn well please," attitude. That's just selfishness.


  7. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Justin said...
    "The bay area is a big valley, pollution gets trapped". Interesting. Here is a thought experiment. Typical bay area liberal smells a wood fire on a spare the air day and calls the bylaw enforcers. They duly knock on the door of the offender to discover it is an American Indian, who claims he/she is living in their traditional way.

    And some fools thought the large Hadron Collider might cause a black hole. I suggest this event, were it to happen, is more dangerous.
