Thursday, February 18, 2010

Attacking Glenn Beck

I don't have much time.

Ergo, I don't really believe much of anything I read in the news or what I see on TV, until I can verify it for myself.

Fortunately I've already done enough economic research that I can tell mathematically if something is even possible (for example I recall a protester at Berkeley claiming Bush spent $19 trillion on war - WOW, that's, like, 133% GDP).

But this was cute.

You read through the first page and then start to notice everything they accuse Beck of is in "quotes" and then cited with a "1" "2" etc. Furthermore the claims are nothing specific like,

"In 2005 Glenn Beck was arrested for kicking a puppy."

It's subjective character criticisms like saying he was "a wing nut" or a "schizo."

You get tired of reading that and inevitably, if you have a life, you skip to the last page to see the quotes and the references to see if there's any point or purpose in reading on.


The Huffington Post and MEDIA MATTERS?

This passes for journalism?

Thankfully I figured out this was nothing more than a guy plugging his book disguised as a hit-piece.

So do yourself a favor - buy my book instead.

No character assassination.

No lies or bias.

Plus you'll actually learn something aside from how to hate Glenn Beck in new ways.


  1. You didn't assassinate any characters in your book but you burned a few anonymous effigies. :)

    Remember Phyllis?

    All my life I've hated the name Phyllis and everyone named Phyllis. I think of a white haired old woman with a perma-scowl who berates everyone around her and inconveniences others for the sake of her own convenience. It's hard to believe anyone named Phyllis had the personality to become a banker. Bank teller, yes.

  2. Ah, what makes you think Phyllis is a girl? ;)

  3. I did buy your book. I read it too. It was refreshing to not have another "let's bash the big banks" for letting this all happen. There was plenty of blame to go around.

    It was interesting to see how the smaller banks got into trouble. I also did not know mortgage bankers were on commission.
