Monday, February 15, 2010

More Stick Swinging and Sphere Throwing


I would go into this in more detail, but frankly, I already have.

I will merely point out this additional tidbit of related fact.

Boy, I sure do hope they throw the ball a lot and the guy runs real fast. Ooo!! Ooo!!! Maybe somebody will CATCH the ball real good too!


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Isn't this the very essence of capitalism? He has something he does not value, his sports loyalty, and he has managed to find a way to sell it to someone else. I guess it does make about as much sense as buying baseball cards, beanie babies or gemstones.

  2. Grant8:31 AM

    I hear they occasionally KICK the ball too. I would pay money to see someone kick a ball.

  3. One can be in favour of the fact that capitalism allows consumers to make free choices about their spending and still be critical of what choices they make.

    Free markets permit choice; economics helps us decide what the best choice is.

  4. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I am sooooo not happy with KSTP-AM becoming a sports-talk station - do they really think they can displace KFAN for that audience???

    What's next top-40??? country-western???


    But yes, KSTP was a local talk station that was well grounded in fact while taking on the liberal mystery in a logical manner. In a word, they were


    So, now they move to become a purely sports talk station, duplicating another sports station in the market, discussing pass chuckers, stick swingers, glove mongers and ball catchers and such related nonsense. Now they've become a new word:


  5. Grant,

    Yes, I even hear that if you go to Wal-Mart you can BUY YOUR VERY OWN BALL AND (you're not going to believe this) KICK YOUR OWN BALL!!!! If you get two people you might even be able to CATCH YOUR OWN BALL!!! Although, I only think it's those crazy kids in California doing this.

    Anon- Yes, I will gladly watch AM 1500 just go belly up as they pointlessly enter a flooded and dominated market.

    Did you hear they have the Twins though? Did you hear that? They talk about Joe Mauer too!!!

  6. Ryan Fuller6:43 PM

    He's giving half the money to the MS Society. When was the last time your stick swinging and ball throwing generated any revenue for a worthy cause?

    So yeah, screw that guy and his contributions to help fight multiple sclerosis. He's obviously an ass because he likes watching sports, charitable donations notwithstanding. Right?

    Entertainment is subjective. I fail to see how watching sports is any less worthy than, say, going out dancing with girls who probably just want to mooch free drinks off of you anyway.
