Monday, March 08, 2010

Comic Book Guy Terrorist Potentially Caught

I will buy everybody a round if it turns out to be the Comic Book Guy.

Don't get me wrong, I loathe terrorists. But spoiled brat suburbanites when are so desperate to join a crusade that they betray their home country for something as foul as radical Islam, they deserve a special place in hell.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    On behalf of all Comic Book Guys and Comic Book-like Guys, let me say, comic book obsession is a religion of peace, and the actions of a few are not indicative of the whole community of Comic Boog Guys.

  2. Ryan Fuller2:10 PM

    But I *like* the Comic Book Guy.

    This guy is just a terrorist jerkass. Also, from California.

  3. Worst...beard...ever!
