Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Love Ya, Mom!

Your Captain wakes up this morning and he has three voice mails.

One from a student he tutors in the art of economics and finance.

Another from his brother who informs him he is part of a small, little inheritance from his recently passed away, but no less-kick ass uncle.

And a third from his beloved mother.

Normally the Captain's beloved mother leaves a message of some kind trying to cajole the Captain into riding the beasts of death at her house (horses) or see the latest animation movie or just in general making sure your Captain is in good health, going to church, brushing his teeth and avoiding icky gross girls.

But no, not this time.

This time, your beloved Captain's mother, had gone through the presentation on Crusaderism and wrote down all the typos and spelling errors. She then calls me this morning at 810AM to inform me of the typos.

35 years old, 100% self-supporting since 18, author of a book and arguably the best economist in the state of Minnesota and I still have my mom pointing out typos on my power point presentations.

Love ya Mom!


  1. Can I borrow your mom for a while?

    Billy B

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    So... did you fix the typo's???

    Nothing more irritating to me than typos on a powerpoint... sorry, it's like grinding fingernails on a chalkboard.

  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "So... did you fix the typo's???

    Nothing more irritating to me than typos on a powerpoint... sorry, it's like grinding fingernails on a chalkboard."


    The videos also need more Natasha.

  4. No, no no no no!

    Have you guys read this blog? I never change typos. I don't stop for typos. I'm in the throes of sheer economic, evolutionary genius and I'm going to stop my train of thought for ampersands and contractions????

    Forest from the trees guys, forest from the trees.
