Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Recession Medicine

It dawned on me that even though statistically we're out of a recession, for most people out there it still feels like one. So permit me some lighter fare.

Oh, and of course, enjoy the decline!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    It still is a recession. The statistics produced by the government, are a sick joke.
    Then again, it is a boom time if you work for Washington. On average they make twice as much as their private sector counter parts. It must be fun to laugh at all the suckers in the private sector. Why not earn twice as much, and have a job you can never be fired from.
    Come to think about it, why not have everyone work for the federal government. The People`s Republic Of America, and North Korea could provide economic advice.
    Where do I sign up?
