Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Because It's No Longer Economic

Heh heh.

Enjoy the decline!


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Not only that, with "education" putting people in deep debt right out of college it's not like even those who would like to can afford it - or a car or a house ( or if married , afford children.

    We are so screwed.

  2. Anonymous6:46 PM

    It's hard to get married when you're still living with your parents because you can't find a job.

  3. Ryan Fuller6:49 PM

    That article sucks. Fixating on the gini coefficient is for wankers.

  4. Gay marriage has actually been touted as a partial solution to California's economic morass.

    Seriously, it has.

    I knew this would happen when they legalized medical marijuana.
