Monday, September 13, 2010

Master's Degree in Community Organizing for Mexican Solidarity

Where do I start with this?

1. The idiocy of thinking this is some kind of career when it really, IT REALLY is just a masters degree in complaining and extorting money from people.

2. How they claim "neoliberal economics" (free market economics) has "failed" when if you look at the current financial crisis and future ones to come they are largely due to socialist entitlement programs that are unaffordable. But what is really juicy is how they seem to have NO PROBLEM charging very capitalistic prices for their program.

3. If you go to their photos what do you notice about the people? This is a tricky one, but there is a correlation.

4. How the people from the US that would take this course are not going to make one genuine lick of difference or improvement in the lives of Mexicans and are ultimately just using this as a hobby to make themselves feel better and avoid getting a real job.

Normally I would get my blood pressure up about this, but what's great is that programs like this and the people who attend them are so delusional when it comes to the real world and how economics and economies work that they will never, ever get the money from the "social justice" they're seeking simply because if they ever had their ideology realized, there would be no production and therefore no wealth to transfer. Because, what? They're going to produce I-pods and gasoline? The world's GDP under these morons would consist of drum circles, dwindling trust funds, and some home-grown pot (poorly grown I might add).

Enjoy the decline.

ht to CFACT


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Regarding point number two, I always find that so strange. These types constantly point out how capitalism has failed. Every recession, which is a natural self correcting process, is a failure of capitalism.The 1930s was a so-called failure of capitalism, when in reality the Smoot-Hawley bill killed off international trade.
    And what model of socialism do they give as an example, to compare to capitalism? North Korea, Cuba, the former USSR, East Germany, sorry, socialism fails every time.
    I just don`t understand how these people can refer to the free market system, as a failure.

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    3) The percentage of lesbians in those photos is above the mean level for the whole population.

  3. My grandfather lived in Yugoslavia when the Germans invaded. The multilingual/multicultural plan didn't work out so well when the Croats and Serbs started slaughtering each other. It made the local communist outfit look like a reasonable alternative.

    And fifty years later, they did it again!

    ...Bear that in mind when any ethnic nationalist group pops up in the news.

  4. Normally, we could rest easy knowing that these folks are merely graduating themselves down into the bottom of the food chain where their ideas have little effect.

    Unfortunately, their student loans and the education system itself is underwritten by the government now, so that means we are paying for their slide to dead end jobs.

  5. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Just another group of leftist morons flagellating themselves.

    Mexican Solidarity = completely open borders followed by giving California, Texas, Arizona and Nevada back to Mexico.
