Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Obama's Plan to Accelerate Write Offs


Oh wait, it is!

Now what's going to be real fun is to talk to the dwindling supply of Obamanauts and force them to either;

1. Admit Bush was right


2. Admit Obama was wrong

which, ultimately in any case leads them to the conclusion that;

they were wrong.

Of course we could follow Cappy Cap's plan to eliminate corporate taxes altogether to get the economy booming, but again, that would just be too damn simple, wouldn't it?


  1. bookstopper8:53 AM

    You forget that the left are masters of not seeing what's right in front of them. This allows them to find some inconsequential difference (real, or imagined) between Obama's and Bush's policy.

  2. Jaime Roberto1:55 PM

    He's trying to lure Republicans into a trap. If they reject this, he will say, "See, the Republicans are obstructing ideas that they were in favor of when they were in power." I'd like to see the Republicans counter with lower tax rates, fewer loopholes and a repeal of Sarbannes-Oxley, but I doubt that will ever happen.

  3. Fatboy6:07 PM

    Is it me or does it seem that the only function our government can now perform is income redistribution? Even military ventures such as "the Iraq and such as" are now solely for the purpose of "helping people who can't help themselves" and "stabilizing the region" meanwhile our own border is as porous as igneous rocks. All either party does is spend my money on other people, none of which helps me and generates millions of government dependent people, who expect (and get) government handouts for life. It's enough to drive you to drink, which I think I will.

  4. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Here is a video about a painting that you might enjoy!

  5. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Well if Obama is REALLY interested in creating jobs, he'd steal a whole lot more ideas from Reagan and conservatives.

    But I don't think he's serious - if it's going to be a choice between economic recovery with jobs and expanded government spending and control, government expansion will win hands down.

    But we also need Republicans who are conservatives, not Republicans who diet versions of Democrats.

    Hey Fatboy, I'm not an earth scientist, but aren't the hard glassy rocks igneous and the porous ones sedimentary rocks?

    But the net of the government spending issue is how many deadbeats do we have to support at our expense and the expense of of children.
