Monday, October 11, 2010

The Affirmative Action President

I love comparing Bush to Obama during their first term, because if you recall correctly BOTH inherited recessions from their predecessors. I also love the comparison because the media would just BASH Bush because the economy was not "recovering quick enough" AND ALWAYS said it was "the worst economy in 50 years."

In short it shows the hypocrisy of the left.

But, this is great because it shows you just how low the bar has been set for Mr. Obama.

Ergo, I believe Mr. Obama should hence forth be called "The Affirmative Action President."

I now patiently await for the media to comply and explain to the masses why Obama has it "tougher" than Bush.

1 comment:

  1. Tougher is a matter of judgment.

    Bush inherited a recession, a poor world security situation, and a military which had been cut every year for eight years.

    Bush had to grapple with lengthy unemployment, a terrorist attack, and two wars.

    Obama got the worse recession, but it was one largely of his own making. He supported every one of the policies which created the crisis. One can hardly say he inherited it.

    Obama inherited one war that was practically won already and another that was floundering and he allowed to get worse.

    If Obama had any sense, he'd blame Clinton for all of it. Everything from global trade imbalances to terrorism to overbuilt housing to a degrade military to the loss of American hegemony is due to Slick Willie.
