Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mandatory Reading for 14 Year Old Boys

It's lengthy, but certainly worth it. I don't necessarily agree with everything listed, but what I do agree with and why I posted it is because this is essentially the "Father Son Talk" that needs to happen today, but doesn't, simply because in the past there was no need for it.

Not to beget pity for the men of my age, but we were the first ones thrown into battle on this one and without a rifle and no intelligence. The above article would certainly arm the young men of today with some armament and therefore some hope of having a much more productive approach to courtship as they age.

1 comment:

  1. MTGirl1:48 PM

    I think some of this male pathos that keeps popping up might be partially attributable to lower birthrates, specifically the increase number of men who did not grow up with sisters.

    In my limited experience, men who grow up around women don't have quite as much fascination for "shiny" (as the women in my family call it) type of women. They are perfectly aware how much time, effort, and drama goes into perfect hair/makeup/nails/clothes look. This means they can easily recognize the tanning parlor, black eyeliner, fake nail, cleavage crowd for the high maintenance pain in the asses that they are. And they know how big of a pain women in general can be, so they avoid high maintenance types like the plague.

    Either way, my brother has always surprised me for his un-erring ability to pick out which women will be totally inexcusable pain in the asses (his term is actually "arrogant bitches" or "I would rather slam my dick in a door"), and which ones are worth getting to know/trying to sleep with. Often quicker than I can. Then there is my husband (no sisters), who apparently dated a string of utter high-maintenance women before me (no comments from the peanut gallery), from what I hear. I mean, one had horses, kept at an in-city stable, and the other had pet rats. And he was supposed to help with care for both, and he has pretty bad animal allergies. I mean, honestly, who makes their allergic boyfriend shovel horse-crap or babysit their pet rats? (which died during his babysitting tenure, supposedly by accident, which is probably true knowing his bad luck. And I said no comments from the captain-peanut gallery!)

    And the other half would be women growing up without brothers, and not knowing how limited men's patience for certain stuff is, especially appearance issues and laziness.
