Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cannot Go Unpublishished, Nor Unforwarded

I neither condone nor condemn any of the commentary here. But here is a simple excerpt from the post that cannot go unpublished, nor unforwarded;

"Listen to me. A good woman ages beautifully. When I look at my wife, I see the most gorgeous woman in the universe. Her wrinkled hands got that way by keeping up with my two boys and working hard for them while I was on the road. The lines under her eyes are from years of shedding tears for me when I was at war, and those wrinkles on her brow are from decades of worry for me and my two sons. It was her legs they held on to when they were learning to walk, her lap was where they learned to read, and her breasts were their first nourishment. The first kiss those boys ever received was from her lips, and God willing, my last kiss will be from her lips."

Those evil alpha males.


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I will not particape on a google site.

  2. Al Cooper2:01 PM

    Capt, it is way too hard to send you an e-mail. Google is crap. I do read your site daily. Commenting is WHY too hard. Enjoy the decline.

  3. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Wow Captain! This is quite an amazing link.

    Old Man Philly is a true man - in every sense of the word. REAL women want a man like him. After being out of the dating market so long, I didn't really have a grasp of how women truly have made a bad name for themselves. . .but I'm beginning to. They make it tough for those of us who are the real deal.

    Don't get me wrong. I have no problem showing the man I love how much I appreciate him by taking pics for him but that is private. Not something to be sent via phone. Not something I want broadcast to any Joe who walks by. I want my guy to know he's special and I will do what it takes for him to know that he is the only one I'm thinking of.

    I'd rather go for the lifetime of beauty in the eyes of the mad who loves me.

  4. TheMick7:45 PM

    Before the tits beguile you, perform a SWOT analysis.

  5. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Beware of those with tits
    Many are just selfish twits
    They'll call you sweet honey
    Then run off with your money
    Leaving you in the pits.

  6. James5:52 PM

    Solomon Reborn

    The author closed the site awhile back. Anyone who wants to see the full post can at that link.

    Just posting here for posterity.
