Saturday, January 08, 2011

Let Me Explain to You My Step Father

So I get an e-mail from my step father (which is a miracle unto itself because my step-dad LITERALLY just got a computer 3 years ago and a freaking answering machine 5 years ago, but has yet to buy himself a freaking CELL PHONE! but this is all an aside).

So he asks me

"I was stationed in Germany and one of my favorite songs was from Louie Armstrong. It was played back in 1959. I don't remember the lyrics and I can't remember the song, but can you find it for me?"

I do the typity type in the ole Bing and find a group of songs from an album Ole Sachtamo created in BELGIUM in 1959.

We find out the song is title "Ole Sachtmo's Lullaby"

So why am I writing this?

So you schmoes appreciate my step dad! The only REAL purpose of this post is to honor my ole stepfather AND for two things.

1. He WILLINGLY did 4 tours in Vietnam and retired as a senior master sergeant (which now explains to all of you why I am the way I am on account I had a reverend for a father and a drill sergeant for a step father). Regardless, Americans owe him a pound of thanks and gratitude.

2. At a very young age (8 I estimate) he instilled in me the seed of independent thought. He was pointing out some program at some college where they provided free child care for single moms whilst the moms went and pursued their degrees in whatever worthless pursuits they were pursuing. He said and I distinctly remember;

"Isn't that nice they pay for the child care of all those mothers?"

I said in a very 8 year old innocent way, "yes, it is!"

"I wonder who pays for that all." he said.

I said, "I don't know. Who!?"

He said, "Oh, you do kid. You do!"

And (I'm being serious here) that planted the seeds of independent thought in me to inevitably question the reality and logic of everything I heard ever since and made me who I am today (in terms of my political and ideological economic thought). In short he is responsible for bringing you the monster known as Cappy Cap.

For you see, the Ole Sergeant Major certainly did more than his fair share fighting commies and Charlie back in Vietnam. And the Ole Sergeant Major fought valiantly for the freedom of the Southern Vietnamese not to mention the rest of the world from the greatest evil to plague this planet. But I often wonder if he realizes the old adage;

"The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword"

I often wonder with the estimated 50,000 weekly readers I have here if he realizes he did more to advance the causes of liberty, freedom and independence than he might have realized he would back when he dispensed his fatherly wisdom in 1984. I do often wonder if he really truly genuinely realizes just how much he achieved by being man enough to instill independent thought upon a young child and what would happen with the technology of the internet.

Regardless, play the youtube video above and appreciate what the ole Sergeant Major did for all of us.


  1. Many thanks to your stepfather for his service! What a great influence he was for you. I didn't know I was among 50,000 people who appreciate your blog but I'm so glad to know people are taking notice of you and your common sense. Keep up the good work.

  2. Eh, the estimates vary. Depending on whose method you use. I'm "somewhere" between 25,000 and 75,000.

  3. You know, I've always been a little baffled by the conservatives/Republicans in America. You see, I'm from Europe (the Czech republic) and I don't seem to understand why in some topics and issues the conservatives are more pro-intervention and pro-state than the liberals (also, I don't know why you call the socialists "liberals", because the word "liberal" is supposed to be derived from "liberty" and in Europe it's used in that sense, but nevermind that).

    For example, drugs, gay marriage, gay adoption and immigration. The Republicans undoubtedly want more government regulation on these things than Democrats, altough they want less regulation on everything else. I don't get it. Another thing—and that's why I'm talking about it here—is war. The Right is more pro-war than the Left, although war is an ultimate manifestation of state power, violence and coercion. I think that the more rightist you are, the more you should be opposed to state's agression, be it theft (taxes), murder (war) or kidnapping (draft/incarceration). How come the American Left is more anti-war than you (the Right), although it advocates violence in almost all other issues?

    By the way, I discovered your blog just recently and so far I like it!

  4. Best.Post.Ever.

    Thanks for sharing that story. Awesome.

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    These tears are real

  6. Hi Sonny,

    Actually, I believe it's more the media and the "socialists/liberals" method of attacking the right.

    They always like to trot out the "religious right" and paint ALL conservatives as nanny-state nazi-interventionists on people's private lives.

    For the most part I believe this is false. There are certainly some people on the right who deem it their business as to whether you do drugs or are gay, but I just haven't seen any conservative advocate intervention on the level the left claims we do.

    I will point out though some hypocrisy of the left in that they are just as adamant about invading people's private lives;

    Gun control
    Going green (looking at your garbage to make sure you recycle)
    Brainwashing Children in schools

    In short the name doesn't matter, we know who the real nazis are.
