Friday, March 25, 2011

You Will Conform and Obey

by reading these links!

Pole Dancing for Jesus. I am speechless. But I am now triply reconfirmed that I did the right thing as an 11 year old PK by leaving religion forever.

No jobs at a job fair. It reiterates my point that you will waste the equivalent of a masters degree worth of time looking for a job and you might as well just play video games. Also long the lines of the Great Maja Rushie who said, "You can't really make any money until you're 40 because no one will let you." Hat tip.

You know how kids spend more time and energy whining and complaining about doing their chores or homework or what have you than it would take to actually do it? The Greenazis spend more time and energy conforming to going green than finding out whether it's actually "good" for the environment. But then again it never was about the environment now was it?

We don't need no stinking fathers! I actually don't know if there is a father in the equation or not...but...ummm.... yeah, I know there isn't a father in the equation.

How Japan manages 200% debt to GDP.(which I always found to be an amazing feat).

and finally;

Again, whether it is the mother you are interested in dating, or the daughter, when they say;

"My mother/daughter is my BFF!"



  1. Sonny Ortega5:19 PM

    From the first link: "even though things are getting better, companies are still cautious about hiring full-time workers."

    HOW EXACTLY are things in the US getting better, for god's sake? I mean, except that corporate profits "surge", which is just another bubble caused by the QE, not real profits.

  2. Sonny Ortega5:28 PM

    Oh, and talking about wind turbines in the UK...


  3. I don't get that job fair thing. I mean, everybody agreed in 2009 that the recession was over. Did Bush get back in office some time last year and I just missed it?

  4. I was leafing through the new Psychology Today, and they had a blurb about how greenies wouldn't be into all the newest "green" technologies if it wasn't the most expensive stuff out there. How they like to point-out to their friends/acquaintances all their awesome new greenstuff, with the subtext of "you know how expensive it is, and look how much I care.."

    We all knew it was largely about ego and image, but it was sweet to to see an article actually depicting the smug-ass greenies for what they are.

  5. Rosalys3:52 AM

    About mommy Kerry and her 8 year old daughter - this is child abuse, plain and simple!

  6. First, job fairs were, and are, a total waste of time and money in the first place. What "companies" are almost always present? Temp agencies, commission only sales companies, "We will train you to be a Financial Advisor." or similar, and the military. Like it would take more then a phone call to get a job with any of these companies?

    As to the woman that is already administering plastic surgery to her daughter, I think I have actually found a good use for all the social services money Govs spend. Get that girl away from her mum. NOW!

    Greenies will never look at the whole cost/impact of "green" energy and recycling. Would be the equivalent of admitting that Jesus was actually kind of a prick quite often. Will never happen from the devout.

  7. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Just saw yet another Top Degrees For Making Money BS article: Their list:

    Bachelor's in Business Administration
    Bachelor's in Health Care Admin
    Bachelor's in Finance
    Bachelor's in Information Systems
    Bachelor's in Paralegal Studies
    Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
    Bachelor's in Accounting
    Bachelor's in Information Technology

    They's right about Accounting and maybe Finance, but the rest aren't a golden ticket.

    My son has a Bachelor's in Business Administration and a Master's in Healthcare Administration and in currently selling furniture.

  8. Check this out, Captain:

    China is engineering unnatural infrastructure growth:

  9. There's nothing wrong with mothers and daughters being best friends, but if they use the BFF lingo,I'd run too.

    Pole dancing; my God. What's next, claiming the seventy virgins in heaven or however many Islam men expect is really a Chrtistian thing too?

  10. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Apparently you people haven't read the Song of Solomon.

    Trust an economist to come out against pole dancing.

    Best reason I've heard yet to convert to atheism... keeep it up!
