Friday, July 01, 2011

An Argument to Increase the Voting Age to 30


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM


  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    She obviously requires a larger than normal amount of cooling to keep her brain from hissing out of her ears.

  3. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Not everyone under thirty doesn't understand thermodynamics.

  4. This is a better argument for subsidizing abortion.

  5. Increasing the age won't help. Ignorance is usually a lifestyle choice that people only rejected when forced to change by a bitch slap from reality.

  6. Anonymous3:52 PM

    More evidence to support my claim that an intelligence/political comprehension test must be taken/passed in order to vote.

  7. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Exactly, Anonymous 3:52 PM. Look at what happens each time they extend the franchise.

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I actually feel sorry for her. Her school has utterly and completely failed to teach her even basic scientific facts. She has no clue how an air conditioner even works, much less knowledge about climate or thermodynamics. How many thousands of dollars per year were spent on her education, and for how many years? That she does not know these things is not her fault. The blame is entirely on her teachers.

    She's an Internet laughing stock not because she's an idiot, but because her teachers are lazy and incompetent.

    Her teachers deserve to be in jail for this. I have no sympathy for public school teachers. Let them all lose their pensions and their jobs. They can starve in the streets for all I care. We should have eliminated public schools and replaced them with private competition years ago.
