Monday, July 25, 2011

As Mayor of Scenic, South Dakota, I Promise

No property taxes. Only, one sole sales tax on every transaction within the city limits

People will be allowed to smoke in private establishments if that private establishment allows it.

All forms of commerce, both admirable and shameful would be allowed.

People will be allowed to carry any gun, any time, anywhere, knowing full well if they try any nazi-jerk Norwegian schtick that moron carried out, people will be shooting back.

Whiskey is served 24-7, bars and commercial ventures are allowed to do what they want, when they want, and frankly it's none of the local government's business what yours is.

I'd make a GREAT mayor of Scenic, SD.


  1. Buy it!

    When can I move in?

  2. I would live there.

    I'll open a bookstore.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I would like to throw my name out there for nomination to Planning Commission and City Council. No need for anyone else because if you own the land - it is your Right to do what you want to do with it. I just need a rubber stamp that says "Approved".

    Count me in as a new citizen!

  4. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I think you may have some trouble with governments up the food chain.

    Considered being State Governator? More fun, better parties, fewer stray dogs on the agenda.

    And you get police force of your own that can actually get into staring matches with the Federales.


  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I got dibs on corporate counsel. First rule - only one lawyer in town. That way it's peaceful, with no lawsuits. Soon as two lawyers are present, I'll be busy as hell, and I do not want that if I'm to be enjoying the decline.

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Mayor of Scenic S.D.? Quit thinking small, Cappy. Keep your eye out for an old cruise liner or even a large freighter and pull an L Ron Hubbard.

  7. Anonymous10:22 PM

    El'Cap Cap....
    I was just elected as Sheriff. My credentials are simple. Don't smoke, ride a fast horse, and I pack a 45 7 1/2".....same one that shot Wild Bill. You are now in range! Oh, by the way, Townships do not have Mayors.....only Sheriffs. Buffalo Dave!

  8. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Wow! Opportunity of a lifetime!
    when you are taking applications for dance hall madame, let me know. References upon request!
