Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

It's all good and fun and games telling other people what to do, until you have to deal with the ideology you espouse.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Interesting that one of the lying scumbags that led the Boomer generation (and their kids) into personal disaster so thoroughly repudiated in his own life the sexual morality he claimed to believe in publicly. Typical leftist hypocrisy - tell everybody else to send their kids to rotting public school but send your own kids to Sidwell Friends; establish a craptacular national health care system that will be driven by bureaucratic cost cutting, while exempting your pals' gold plated health care plans from federal regulation. I loathe these people, they are basically gangsters who lack the guts to take from us at gunpoint. So far anyhow.

    On the other part of the article, the feminist who doesn't date feminist guys... yeah, no joke. Pre-marriage I was on active duty in the Army, smart but kinda boorish, good with my hands (fix cars, ride motorcycles, do some woodworking, hunt & fish), and mostly rotten to women, just sort of casually cruel and distant once I got what I wanted. You know what that meant? An endless supply of artsy left wing hippie chicks to have my way with. I couldn't believe the quality or quantity of tail that was available to me. All it took was to hang around the artsy or lefty communities wherever I was stationed, have some reasonably well developed literary fetish (modernist American lit) and to be not a complete moron about whatever the artistic flavor of the moment was - that mostly involves keeping your mouth shut, "mmmmm-ing" and then sort of parotting back what the smart appearing people say. An uncivilized cannibal like me with a subscription to the New Yorker was apparently an exotic and irresistible treat, at least compared to the feminist emo boys.

    I married a good old fashioned down-to-earth conservative girl, however. Life isn't supposed to be one long shit test and I didn't want some hot looking but drippy wench raising my kids.

  2. This brings to mind another definition of a conservative:

    A liberal with a daughter.

    (the other being, a liberal who was mugged)
