Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Education Bubble Continues

I have a simple question. What good is an education unless there's economic growth and jobs at the end?

But, hey, don't let me stop you from getting your triple doctorate in Communications, Family Sociology and Women's Studies. And certainly feel free to continue to get that Six Sigma, CPE, and whatever other certifications to the point it becomes an overweighted Boyscout badge sash.


  1. The ridiculous asking prices of many courses these days does make your point. However, a good education is a valuable thing. I'm sure you are getting many benefits out of your own.

    An elderly concentration-camp survivor once encouraged me to get a good education by saying: "It's the only thing they can never take away from you."

  2. Anonymous11:34 PM

    don't short the education bubble. Somewhere out there, someone is unloading $100k on a PhD in astrology or economics, and they will be the next Ben Bernank and have the last laugh.
