Thursday, July 21, 2011

How Could This Happen in Norway?

Hey, liberals, one of you explain to me how this could happen in the most placating, pacifist, socialist utopia you all claim to be the pinnacle of socio-economics?

This is what happens when you no longer let men be men, try to feminize them and make them women, punish and criminalize male behavior, betray your own men for the pursuit of feminism and lofty marxist and pacifist goals and replacing men with the state, and then try to placate your enemies by embracing diversity at all costs

Oh, and on a side note, HOW COULD THERE BE SHOOTINGS IN NORWAY? Guns are banned!

Obviously a mistake the media made. Must have been a clubbing or a spearing. Because you know, guns are outlawed in Norway.

Enjoy the Norwegian decline!

POST POST - As, despite claims of various Islamic groups to take responsibility for this attack which prompted me to this post, evidence is showing it is a crazed-nut-job Norwegian national who is to blame for these attacks. I offer a full rescindication of this post and will leave this post up as intellectual honesty and evidence I am wrong every once in a while. Let me know when my leftist counterparts offer something similar or if the main stream media does such a thing.

See how simple that was MSM? You see, when you're wrong, you ADMIT IT. Unlike this.


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Gun ownership by civilians is legal there (excluding non-collectible full-auto, which is apparently treated the same way as Class III in the US). What's more, the crime rate is low, and most gun crimes are committed with illegal weapons (this is unverified in the wiki entry).

    We can't leave any factual holes or inaccuracies for the gun-grabbers to use against us.

    From Wikipedia:

    "Firearms in Norway are regulated by the Firearm Weapons Act,[1] with a new secondary law in effect 1 July 2009 providing more detailed regulation.[1] The act covers all firearms, air pressure weapons, and some "exotic arms" as the act defines. All weapons that would be regulated must have two things in common: they must eject a projectile mechanically and use some form of propellant to perform the ejection. The act includes military type weapons, flare guns, and easily manufactured replicas that can be converted to working firearms. Guns owned and operated under the responsibility of the armed forces and the police are excepted from the civilian weapons act.[1]

    The detailed interpretation of the law is laid out in another regulation.[2]
    [edit] Types of civilian owned guns

    Norway has a large population of hunters.[3] Semi-automatic and bolt action rifles, as well as shotguns, make up the better part of the guns in civilian homes.

    There is a total ban on automatic weapons for civilians, unless they fall into the collector category. Modification of semi-automatic guns into fully automatic without the consent of the police is a felony crime.

    Handguns have some caliber restrictions. A Smith & Wesson 500, for example, is illegal due to its high power, but other, less powerful, guns are legal as they are used in sports shooting. Norway has a long tradition of high-end sports shooting competitions, especially rifle shooting. Each caliber must be used in some type of competition to be allowed. Also, there is a restriction on the number of weapons an owner can have for each caliber. For recreational shooters, only one gun is allowed in each caliber. For professional and semi-professional shooters, a spare gun is allowed. A recreational shooter is only allowed to own four different handguns. To obtain more, documentation on extensive involvement in sport shooting is needed."

  2. Perhaps I should have been more precise.

    Can people carry guns in public on their person legally in Norway?

    I'm sure they can own guns, whether they can carry them and shoot back conveniently is a question I ask.

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    "Norwegian national" (which I presume means "ethnic Norwegian") and "Islamic nutjob" are not mutually exclusive. New converts to a religion are often the most devout. See Adam Gadahn for an example.

  4. No, duly noted.

    However, this guy does seem to be a "right-wing quack." Not a home-grown terrorist.

    I do believe however, he has been driven to this by a general decay/destruction of traditional Norwegian culture and he could no longer tolerate to watch his country slide towards destruction and found this is as his only means of action.

    It REALLY is only a hair of difference between what he's done and what I advocate with my "enjoy the decline."

    He still cares (perhaps too much and to a psychologically damaging level) to the point he resorts to violence, whereas I am willing to still abide by the wishes and desires of democracy and simply give up and "enjoy the decline."

    In other words, he does not honor the wishes of the majority (no matter how important it is that the majority rules which is the foundation of democracy). He has decided to become a dictator himself, foisting his minority beliefs upon the majority through violence. Which is the defintiion of dictatorship which is the epitome of evil.

    In other words, it doesn't matter how "right" you are. People have decided what they want, for better or worse. You cannot "kill them" for their beliefs.

    You can however enjoy the decline by taking advantage of the majority's ignorance by working less and contributing the minimum amount to society. You can live off of the majority of an ignorant society. But to kill them is just...well, too islamic for me.

  5. Anonymous12:06 AM

    No right to carry for civilians in Norway. And the massacre didn't end until someone with a gun showed up at the island. Which is normal, the severity of any massacre is directly related to how long it takes someone with a gun to appear on the scene.

  6. sth_txs5:40 AM

    From this source:

  7. "I do believe however, he has been driven to this by a general decay/destruction of traditional Norwegian culture and he could no longer tolerate to watch his country slide towards destruction and found this is as his only means of action.


    I am seeing more and more indicators of this beginning to happen in the US. Crimes of desperation is what I call it. People are not desperate for food, etc... they are desperate for a future. A future where they are allowed to prosper, and they are not seeing one on the horizon.

    The result on their psyche is they give up caring about the consequences of their actions. Spending the rest of their life in prison becomes the equivalent of spending the rest of their life as a slave to the system.

    Give the right mental setup, and the idea of making a huge splash on the way out become appealing. Yes, it is only a matter of words (and a mental mindset) between "enjoy the decline" and "suicide by police."

  8. They can have semi-automatic rifles, but i think the magazine capacity is pretty low on them, like about 5 rounds or so.

  9. The BBC reported Sat. night (Jul. 23) that the police took 90 (ninety!!!) minutes to arrive at the island youth meeting on an island by truck/car and boat; no helicopters on standby. But what if someone on site had had even a .22 rifle for target shooting and shot the bad guy down? It's a darn shame, a PREVENTABLE tragedy. God bless Norway

  10. Anonymous8:51 AM

    you know, this is STILL a terrorist attack caused in part by multi-culturalism.

  11. Anonymous7:56 PM

    The guy's father (who left him at a young age) just came out saying that his son should have killed himself and that he will never have any more contact with him.

    No worthwhile father would say this. Then again, he really wasn't that worthwhile a father to begin with.

    So while the whole Islam thing was a proximate cause, I can see very good PERSONAL reasons why he might hate the Socialists as much as he does.
