Monday, August 29, 2011

Canadian Intervention, California Is a Great Place, Welcome to Spinsterhood, and More!

I wish we had this.

California is in such great shape this is the worst of their problems.

Another aging female Gen-Xer realizing there might have been a consequence to playing mind games with the boys in her teens and 20's.

The 60's are to blame for today's economic problems, not big oil or George Bush.

Choices have consequences, even for liberals!

And when you destroy the division of labor, what do you think happens to production?

Finally, scientists prove (of all things) the bleeping sun causes global warming. Who would have thought?


  1. Huh? Wait a minute. When I was a child, I was told over and over again, that if I was virtuous and sweet, patient, generous, cheerful and submissive, (and of course beautiful) I would get to live happily ever after in a sparkling castle on a mountaintop, with a rich handsome prince, a gold carriage with red velvet seats, pulled by a team of white horses. Now you're telling me that after 20 years of low wage/low status "mom-jobs," worked around the needs of my family, my reward is nothing but a modest home, a good husband and handsome young Marine making his own way in the world???

    Hey! You! Fairy Godmother! Prince Valiant! Kindly old king! WHERE'S MY LOOT, YOU SLACKERS??!!

  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I wish I knew why you delete posts; where's the "when you elect an idiot" one?
