Wednesday, August 03, 2011

What He Said

I think this is the first person (aside from myself) to point out it's what you MAJOR IN, not whether you have a degree.


  1. Jaime Roberto12:41 PM

    If women truly earned less than men for the same work, wouldn't some wise businessman (or businesswoman) start a company employing only women and thereby reap the benefits of cheap labor?

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The thing I've noticed is that in US medical schools, women have outnumbered men for the past several years.
    But at the institution where I work, with the only undergraduate batchelor's degrees available being biology and environmental science, we still have "Women in Science" scholarships.
    Since women already significantly outnumber men in our science department, I've recently taken to asking, "How about we have a 'Men in Science' scholarship?"
    The result - other faculty make faces at me...
    Bill K.
