Friday, November 04, 2011

The Next Most Popular Show

I predict it will be incredibly popular, if not the most popular show in the next couple of years for the aging 30 somethings.

It will perpetuate EPL Fantasy.

It will fuel rationalization hamsters everywhere.

And it will not produce one ounce of good.

And so the world will continue to spin, with nobody learning anything from history.


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Capitalism without morals, without intellect is just as much a fail as communism without it.
    Both will work, given a group of highly intelligent people.
    Both will fail once people begin to lie cheat steal and kill eachother for money and power.
    Intelligence determines how well a person can repress the biological urge to play said status/mating games.
    Thus we need to find a middle ground.
    Both capitalism, and communism fail without a sane and sensible, small government. Property rights anyone?

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I'll take that bet and raise ya, Captain.

    Truly successful women won't have time to watch it, the guys won't touch it with a ten foot pole, and that will leave possibly the bubble gumming teen drama queens and the trailer-trash wannabees for an audience.

    Unless of course they spice it up a bit with some porn - then all bets are off...

  3. Anon,

    I would normally agree with you, but when these women go home to their cats, they'll watch it. And since the past 30 years of their lives has been nothing but brainwashing, they will glom onto it.

    Maybe they won't view it when it's being broadcasted, but they'll TIVO it or something.

    Never underestimate the voracious appetite of a rationalization hamster. This is like the sushi, lobster, steak, salmon, all you can eat buffet for the aging Gen X women.

    They will not and cannot resist.

  4. Oh, sorry, but I'm up for a low wager sort of bet, assuming we define what "successful" is in terms of television.

    I think if you have kids I could forfeit some fossils, and if I win, then you give me umm...something...that is interesting over where you're from?

  5. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Three things capt:

    1. Do you think this show will be more Murphy brown or sex in the city?

    2. An aside; how much does it cost you a year to maintain your awesome adventurous life? How much of this is things like rent and food?

    3. And even further aside, you said in prior posts that you know you would make a lousy father. However, you came across as better father material than 90% of the herbs I see acting as second mothers. Are you sure this isnt a case of the best king is the man who does not desire to be king?

  6. 1. More Sex in the City. Definitely (though I BARELY recall Murphy Brown).

    2. It takes only about $20,000 per year, however, I make (roughly) $28,000 (this is an estimate as I derive most of my income from self-employment). Rent is $425 per month for a studio in a "crappy" part of town. Food I do splurge on because I can't cook (and I never tallied it up, about $10-$12 a day I guess?) Most of my money though goes to gas because I'm driving either to a mountain range or agate bed or fossil hunting. I have managed to spend less than $100 on clothes in the past 5 years.

    3. Yes, compared to most men in America today I would make a supremely better father. But it's solely because you're comparing me to a lower standard now not the 1940's standard bearer of Ward Cleaver or Bill Cosby. The issue is I would resent the child. That and I just plain can't afford to support more than one person and don't want to give up my lifestyle. The kid, though with a good psychological father, would be poor and I would probably have to go on the government dole.

  7. Matthew Walker10:28 AM

    I bet what hooked the TV people was the bit about Bolick's affluent, successful, fabulous single female friends letting her stay at their fabulous houses in the Hamptons etc.

    Expect a SATC retread, with high-end suburban real estate porn as a differentiator.

    The women's commune in Holland is a non-starter. No mainstream appeal. Communal living is not the EPL-SWPL consumer fantasy.

  8. Captain, you're sending me so much traffic, I must say thanks.

    Someone on my blog asked what I think the show will really be about. Hasn't it been done already? SATC, Liz Lemon on 30 Rock. I think they should channel the original Mary Tyler Moore show.

    It's going to be a scripted sitcom. Personally, I think it would be much more interesting to follow Kate Bolick and other aging singles around as they explore concepts like "friend families" and all-female communities. A sort of cautionary tale.
