Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Brought to You From Across the Fruited Bloggosphere Plain

Sarcastic charty goodness is still charty goodness.

It takes a lot of empirical evidence to prove to you that what you were told was wrong AND for you to believe it. You then get enraged. You demand your time back, but since you can't get it back, you simply resort to the only thing you have - your inner, visceral instincts. Which is what women precisely wanted in the first place.

Welcome to the fight, this time I know our side will win.

Probably wise not to pick up your second wife at "Divorce Care Camp."

You don't want me to be president. I'd ban all religions, including global warming.

Gucci Little Piggy has an economic epiphany and is thusly promoted to the official rank of Junior, Deputy Economist!

Ms. Walsh finally speaks to something I knew when I was 19 was utter BS, but still forced upon me anyway. I didn't see video games or Rumpleminze on the list. She also launches her own version of female game. Look out men, if you drink you might express feelings. So make sure she's more drunk than you.

Like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, there is no such thing as a "born again virgin." Self-absorbed, delusional woman who are so self-centered they'll ignore reality to boost their ego, yes. Those do exist. But not born again virgins.

I got in a fight by that church. Thankfully snow is out in Minneapolis which means the cops don't have to work as hard because the criminal element in Minneapolis is lazy and doesn't like the cold. It also makes Ed's runs safer.

Binge drinking, whoring, smuggling tobacco...shoot, he makes me look like an amateur at enjoying the decline.

Those "stupid heathens" who weren't educated at Ivy League degrees will actually live in the real world long enough to kick your pampered, spoiled, brat trust fund baby ass. Not because they're brilliant, but because they were not shielded from reality. And, ultimately, those who live in reality will do better than those who live in La La Land.

Now, that's not nice. That's the truth. You need to hide the truth. Also, related to my book (due, sometime soon once I get the finalized copy).

You want an underdog to cheer for.


  1. Waking up to a nice traffic bump via CC was a great way to start the day. Thanks.

  2. For a second I though it read, "waking up to a nice bump from CC is a great way to start the day."

    And I was going to say, "Yes, yes it is."

    Then you had to go and ruin it putting that damn word "traffic" in there.

  3. ...and that is why you do not mess with the heel hook and why you should keep your guard closed. :)
