Thursday, December 29, 2011

Freedom Twenty Five Book Review

As you know the Manosphere, Econosphere and Capposphere has many bloggers, an increasing number of which are writing books. Frost over at Freedom Twenty Five is one of those bloggers.

His book "Freedom Twenty Five: The 21st Century Man's Guide to Life" is available on kindle and on paperback. I had the pleasure to read it while flying all over tarnation at various airports and am hereby submitting my review.

In short, the book is mandatory reading for any young man, say 25 or younger. It would save millions of young men billions of hours and billions of dollars in effort, costs, finances and health savings. The book is quite wide in its scope covering finances, health, and courting, the health section I found particularly helpful. However (as with anything in any aspect of life) it may not be terribly beneficial to those over 25 or those who simple developed game and took the red pill of reality early on in their youth. Of course, this is not a criticism because my most recent book is the exact same thing - a book targeted towards youth, not necessarily older people, though older folks would certainly benefit from it.

Now many people will mock or ridicule Frost for writing a book that is merely a synopsis of the great volumes of wisdom in the Manosphere. And while this may be true, understand that young men do not have the time to be sifting through millions of pages in the Manosphere, let alone the hours required to pour through the Tom Leykis archives. If there is a battle-ready rifle to arm a young man with, quickly and efficiently, Frost's book is it.

I could go on about minor grammatical errors or minor punctuation typos, but then I would be a hypocrite. REgardless, if you are a young man without a lot of time on your hands and you need some guidance your single mom couldn't give you or your effeminate father couldn't provide, read Uncle Frost's book. The ounce of price is worth the pounds of prevention.

1 comment:

  1. Married mom just bought it to send to Afghanistan along with "Worthless." Thanks for the link.
