Friday, December 02, 2011

A Masters Degree in Camping

Under the guy named "Joshua."

"Masters in Outdoor Recreation."

Honest to god. Two years from now we'll have Doctorates in Go Kart Racing or Masters in Fly Fishing.


  1. Anonymous5:43 AM

    His diploma should be laminated with thick layer of clear plastic and stored in a sturdy underground titanium vault for future archaeologists to find, in case they wonder why there are no signs of industrial civilization after 21th century.

  2. I'd respect that if the final exam involved being dropped off by helicopter in the dead center of a wildlife preserve with only a bowie knife and the clothes on your body.

    Graduation would require surviving in the forest for 30 days. And if you didn't pass, you wouldn't have to worry about your student loans, or much anything else, ever.

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Don't knock it, Cappy. The way Obama and the Two Party PermaGov in D.C. are operating, that masters degree is going to come in handy.

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Amazing what you can do with a:


  5. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Take a look just north of Duluth, and you will find the town of Thunder Bay Ontario. The local university named Lakehead University, has had an outdoor recreation program for decades.
    I remember telling people about this program back in the 1980s. Most people would not believe the story.
    Today these type of programs are found at most universities. The puppet degree gets top honors.

  6. Jaime Roberto12:30 PM

    I like that entry for the Communications Director is blank. I guess he doesn't have much to communicate.

  7. Oh, they're all winners. Not a real job among them, nothing but a bunch of parasites looking to play "Crusader."

  8. Anonymous3:56 PM

    actually I have seen and known people with see degrees, they get jobs working in old folks homes keeping old folks active, exercise, field trips and just entertaining them. Many work with people with disabilities.I have seen many ads on career builder, but they call it recreation

    I had a professor that had this degree, he also worked in local hospitals as wells teaching and kept saying how he found working with those populations rewarding after struggling to find out what he was going to do with his life. Don't laugh .... at least he is working

  9. Too old for the boyscouts, maybe? Masters in camping, man, I love it. Actually you have to admit it could be a valuable degree, when all of the major cities are engulfed in riots and honest men have to live out in the woods.
