Monday, December 05, 2011

Switch from Coke to Pepsi

My little blog here isn't the Drudge Report, but I'd like to think with the 7,000 est readers we could pack a punch. Namely, if we all switched from Coke to Pepsi, that would translate into roughly maybe $250,000 less in sales over the course of our lifetimes to punish Coke for trying to get political and proselytize to us about global warming.

Seriously, I go to bat for corporations every day to have their taxes eliminated, I don't need them and their sanctimonious CSR department stabbing capitalism and freedom in the back placating environmental communists with their global warming BS all in the hopes of eeking out an additional 1% in sales growth.

Here's a list of Coke's products. Truthfully, it's a long one. So just look on the back of the bottles and make sure it isn't a coke product.

I got enough problems with NGO's, non-profits, unions, universities, public schools and governments on my hands. Don't need the bleeping corporate sector to go all rent-seeking-commie on us.


  1. Sonny Ortega7:21 PM

    You know what I hate? The "green" trend in architecture in the recent years. Every project that wants to be featured in architecture magazines and talked about in the media almost has to have frickin' wind turbines to be energetically self-sustainable. There are apartment buildings being designed with their own sewage treatment system and plastered with solar panels. Seriously, WTF?

    I do hate opressive enviromental policies, but much, much more I hate these bootlickers who are all gay about the enviroment by themselves and they jizz over each other's "organic design."

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    No argument there, I've been evangelizing for Pepsi for years, although it hasn't helped itself any by hiring that Indian CEO who loves to indulge in crusaderism with "health products" and reduced Pepsi's marketing share.

  3. Anon dude11:35 AM

    PepsiCo is on the Corporate Board of Advisors for La Raza. All the big companies are just as Cultural Marxist as the left wing government employees. People would be better off buying generic brand grocery store soda or just drink water.

  4. Have you seen the latest tendentious drivel from OxFem and the WWF? They're intending to impose a global shipping tax on all trade to "close up" a loophole on greenhouse emissions.

    The fact that the world's poorest nations will suffer egregiously from such a tax is presumably dismissed as collateral damage.

    Well, when were these guys supposed to care about the poor?
