Tuesday, August 07, 2012

From Our Other Canadian Agent in the Field

Thank you all for your guest posts.  I have a list and they will be posted.  Keep them coming:

Unvetted! (which is like "unplugged" but in the blogging world)

Post Post - actually I read it and it is an OUT-FREAKING-STANDING analysis of the true costs of day care.

I will say it again for the cheap seats - a disproportionate number of women are merely working to pay other women to raise either theirs or other women's children AND THE TAXES that come with paying for the sociological consequences of not really caring about your children enough to raise them yourself.


  1. Chemist11:02 AM

    The pro-State Daycare arguement pisses me off. I have 2 kids. My wife wanted to stay home to take care of them and she did and with my full support. However, there was a serious cost to this. She stopped working for 11 years. I still think we made the right decision despite the financial price. Believe me, finances were tight for those 11 years. She now works part time and will put off full time work until our youngest is old enought to stay home after school on his own.

    People talk about the 'right' to childcare. We had to get by on 1 salary for 11 years, and now 1.5 salaries for several more years, and they want to raise my taxes so I can pay the price for maintaining a 2 salary household for them. Bite me.

  2. In the UK, where the average middle-class family spends 'a third of its income' on childcare, government is looking to keep schools open until 8 pm (!!!!) to help parents cope with childcare costs... (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/9340191/Schools-could-open-until-8pm-to-help-working-parents-with-child-care.html#disqus_thread) of course, the children benefitting the MOST from subsidized childcare, are not typically the taxpayers of tomorrow... the system is unsustainable on so many levels...

  3. Glad you liked it.

    Here's a couple more pieces you can use if you like. The first is on the tuition bubble, the second is on post-scarcity economics.

