Friday, August 31, 2012

Replacing Fathers With Government

From our Muslim Agent in the Field.

My points, minor and succinct, are thus:

1.  "Would drive people to almost get married before having children!"
2.  "Would drive people to almost consider (GASP) STAYING AT HOME TO RAISE THE CHIILLLLLDREEEEENNNN!"
3.  Notice everything was in percentages of "single mother income" implying the father is not around as well as there should be a government subsidy.  Minimalism, gentlemen.  Minimalism.  Make as little as you can so you are paying nothing in taxes to support other people's mistakes ...errr ..."children."


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Suppose that some alpha male manosphere guy with good game and all that stuff knocks up one of his conquests.

    What responsibilities does he have after having done so?

  2. Morally? All.

    Legally? None.

    Guess which one plays out in the real world where the government pays for everything.

  3. why does a man have a moral responsibility for a child created out of wedlock in a world where women have unlimited access to contraception and abortion on demand and are the gatekeepers of sex? i cant understand that. in what moral system is that based? ifanything, freeing up female sexuality and giving them the ability to prevent and terminate pregnancy without a by your leave from the men in question has thrwon the onus of childbirth ENTIRELY on women's shoulders

  4. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Given that the knocker-up has moral responsibility for his inadvertent kid, what should an alpha male manosphere guy-with-game do when he learns that said kid is on the way?

    Do you mean that he should slough off his moral responsibility on the government?

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Morally? Pay the government the MINIMUM amount he is required.

    Legally? Pay the government the MINIMUM amount he is required.

    This is unless of course he was tricked into having the kid (ie-I'm on the pill, OOPS!) Then I'm all for men splitting the country.

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    " ifanything, freeing up female sexuality and giving them the ability to prevent and terminate pregnancy without a by your leave from the men in question has thrwon the onus of childbirth ENTIRELY on women's shoulders"
    you have to understand that contraception and access to abortion actually INCREASE unplanned births, because women think they can prevent, or at least terminate, the unwanted pregnancy, but as soon as they seen that little pink line, instinct kicks in (i.e. don't go through with abortions no matter how 'inconvenient' the pregnancy). the only way to eliminate 'unwanted' pregnancy, is to eradicate the legal responsibility of the biological father. (but then there goes 'game' too LOL) under the, current system, you're paying for illegitimate kids, yours and everyone else's

  7. Hey dana,
    Thanks, you've just explained the ghetto.
    And all of the other crap that government has set up to destroy our society.

    It's your job as a man to find a woman who is going to be your partner in raising your kids.
    That means getting married to the right woman.
    And not putting yourself in a position where the state can take your money.
    Or where the consequences of your actions drain the state and take money away from those of us who would like to have more children.
    But, we are constantly sandbagged by a state that economically incentivizes people to have kids even though they don't have the means to raise them.
    And confiscates our money to pay for it.

    Men are the gatekeepers of sex.
    And when a man consents to have sex with a woman, he is on the hook, regardless.

    Next time you find yourself in a position where you've got a chance,
    Ask yourself if you want your kids growing up with her.
    Is this the mother of my children?

    Honestly, do you want your children to suffer?
    Do you want to be the problem or the solution?

    Marry a real woman.
    They are hard to find, I know.
    When you've got one, don't ever let her go.
    She won't let you, anyway.
    It's just as hard for her to find a real man.

  8. Making the child care tax credit refundable is a part of Obama's Blueprint for America, that platform statement he put out in '08.

    Just sayin'

  9. appynoon7:41 AM

    "Make as little as you can so you are paying nothing in taxes to support other people's mistakes ...errr ...children."

    Wait until the "everyone must pay their fair share" act 2018 - a minimum fixed dollar amount (poll tax) every bachelor is "deemed morally liable" to pay in a modern, progressive society

  10. appynoon1:12 PM

    "Make as little as you can so you are paying nothing in taxes"

    Wait until the "Everyone Must Pay Their Fair Share" Act 2016,
    a fixed dollar amount (poll tax) that everyone who is not disadvantaged in some way (read bachelors) is deemed "morally and ethically obliged" to pay.
