Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Douglas Bader vs. Scott Johnson

So I was watching a movie last night "Reach for the Sky."

Interesting fellow.  Looses both his legs and goes on to become a successful fighter pilot in WWII.

Now, compare him to this piece of excrement.


  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Some of these people really have nothing else to do with themselves

  2. If I understand this: previously he could buy a hamburger but he couldn't use the bathroom, now as a result of his crusade he can't buy a hamburger or use the bathroom, to achieve this he destroyed a business and jobs have been lost.

    How can this be legal in the land of the free?

  3. People who like to quote the First Amendment tend to stop too early. They often leave out that Congress shall make no law... of the right of the people peaceably to assemble...

    Or, as stated in Hamburger The Motion Picture, "We reserve the right to refuse service to a$$holes like you!"

    That's the right that should be invoked. Not the Cartmanesque right to take a dump in Kyle's bathroom. (Last week's South Park).

  4. Did the Bader movie cover the ping pong ball incident?

    He had a mortal fear of going down over the Channel and getting dragged under by his own legs, so he filled them with ping pong balls.

    The first time he flew after that, the balls started popping at altitude, and he started evading, thinking that a Jerry had managed to sneak up on him...
